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Everything posted by Carowill

  1. Awesome collage of impressive Akros, Art!!
  2. Rebecca, welcome to TMC! Feel free to post marbles that need identification on this forum anytime.
  3. Upper left is an amber Peltier slag IMO..
  4. Glad you did not spend $300 on the lot. Most appear very common. Agree, take pictures of marbles you are interested in and post a few at a time here for identification. Good luck ๐Ÿ‘.
  5. Alley for first two from left to right, then ?, then Peltier Rainbo IMO.
  6. Some incredible marbles showcased on this video. Thank you for sharing, Chad!
  7. Memorial Day, a time to reflect on the men and women who gave their lives so that we can have our freedom!! Freedom is not free.
  8. Difficult to say with certainty based on the photos, but should be opaque with black filaments. I donโ€™t think itโ€™s oxblood, however.
  9. Based on past EBay sales, mint 5/8โ€ blackies probably average around 75 cents to 2 dollars each, occasionally for more.
  10. Some marbles are made of softer glass than others. When they came out of the furnace, they dropped onto rollers and usually survived quite nicely. Iโ€™m not big on restoration of marbles unless theyโ€™re high dollar marbles and even then , I am concerned they will be eventually sold as mint to an unsuspecting buyer. Veneered marbles are less likely to be restored well due to their thin coating. Remember, no question is dumb unless you know the answer!
  11. Actually the number of feedbacks. Not everyone gives or receives feedback. Winning bidder didnโ€™t bid until his $380 bid.
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