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Everything posted by Carowill

  1. Thanks for sharing, as there arenโ€™t many yellow RW marbles.
  2. Thanks! I sold my Akro collection to another collector, so easy to justify.
  3. My only yellow Ravenswood besides a solar flare. Yellow, pink and white.
  4. Alley IMHO. Nice flaming! Usually need 4 flame tips for a flame.
  5. Thank you! Iโ€™m pleased; took four days of looking to find a mint one for sale. Several in sets but sellers didnโ€™t want to break up their sets.
  6. I have been saving for this show. First show in 20 years, and plan to go again next year.
  7. Some more CAC acquisitions from Des Moines show. One transparent and three striped opaques.
  8. Purchased at the Des Moines show. Can take it off my bucket list!
  9. Yellow is rare with Ravenswood and Heaton. Iโ€™m thinking Alley.
  10. Jenny Lind was a 19th century Swedish opera singer who came to America by way of P T Barnum and did nearly one hundred large concerts here, before eventually returning to her native Sweden.
  11. Carowill

    5/8 MK

    Agree. Vitro IMHO.
  12. Even made peewee guineas
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