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Everything posted by Carowill

  1. Carowill

    Master ?

    Agree with Akro. Seams not consistent with Master and eye lashes seen more with Akro.
  2. Carowill


    Beautiful Sparkler!
  3. Thank you, Art. I bought this box 20+ years ago and it has the same cover as yours. Do you anything more about this box?
  4. I’m thinking Ravenswood.
  5. Pros and cons, but you would be less likely to get a bargain if the opportunity to “slug it out” with soft closing’s existed.
  6. Winner had 1376 feedbacks, so experienced.
  7. Champion has my vote.
  8. China marble, Bennington, stoneware marble and unsure on last picture, probable clay.
  9. 7/8 - 1” expect Alley, Peltier, Jabo, Vacor and foreign. MK at 1”.
  10. Alley did and I think it is an Alley, IMHO.
  11. Amazing tribute to an amazing individual! Not the same with his passing.
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