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Everything posted by Carowill

  1. Carowill


    Agree with Ric.
  2. Vitro made an 8 ribbon or finger in transparent and opaque base but preceded cateyes. The ribbons are all the same color and include white, blue, green and red examples.
  3. Carowill


    I would put them with my Heatons.
  4. Both marbles on the right look very out of round.
  5. Try Bar Keeper’s Friend or other soft cleansers first. 4-0 steel wool may help. It is not supposed to scratch glass. Make sure it’s 4-0.
  6. Agree. Also , they tend to chip easily and finding pristine examples can be difficult.
  7. There is a website: billes-en-tete.com that shows Vacor names and photos.
  8. Top 2 definitely Alley, not absolutely certain about bottom two.
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