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Everything posted by Carowill

  1. I always think of a Liberty having an opaque base. Maybe Chad can elaborate.
  2. Just variations of the same IMO.
  3. You have a Ketchup and Mustard here.
  4. Agree with Art but I would put the bottom right slag with Akro. Not convinced there is enough feathering for Peltier, but I could be wrong.
  5. Got to have white with Ketchup & Mustard.
  6. A little weak on the pink but I would call it an Alley Blue Lady IMHO.
  7. Alley blue lady IMHO. Ron did name it.
  8. Seams look MK to me as well.
  9. That last mib is KILLER!! I assume a Ravenswood “Solar Flare.”
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