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Everything posted by Carowill

  1. Blue Spruce is a VHTF marble and VVHTF with blue and green aventurine.
  2. Carowill


    I’m in the Alley camp on this one.
  3. Blue Raven. Beautiful marble!
  4. Alley too. The yellow is very rare with Ravenswood.
  5. I’m thinking Ravenswood, but sometimes they end up being Alleys.
  6. Very unique Rainbo! Nice mib!
  7. And you gotta love some oxblood!!
  8. Need yellow for Superman.
  9. Indian Blanket. Agree with wonky corkscrew.
  10. A wire pull should have one continuous ribbon that you can follow. Not a wire pull IMO. Looks like Veligglass.
  11. I’m with Pelt Rainbo too.
  12. Agree with Art on the first three. Wondering if marble on the right could be Champion?
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