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Everything posted by Carowill

  1. Peltier Rainbo Sunset
  2. Carowill


    Great educational post, Ron!
  3. Akro slag, Akro corkscrew and Akro corkscrew IMO
  4. Agree with Alley IMO.
  5. Also, ALL golden rebels are supposed to have aventurine, or so I’ve read. This doesn’t.
  6. Agree no oxblood in first and Akro oxblood in second.
  7. I don’t know about anyone else, but opinions are great! Right or wrong, they make us think and should challenge us! Keep on “keeping on” with thoughts and opinions. Just wanted to interject a bit of levity!
  8. Alley Blue Sky has a blue base with white swirls and Peltier MCS has a transparent base with colored swirls.
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