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Everything posted by jhomer2172

  1. Ha! I believe that a “tweener” is what some would call a marble that kinda had the look and maybe hinted at having some of the features of a more easily identifiable piece. Kinda like the ones pictured here having Dragon type colors and some ribbons. But falling way short of being a classic, easily identified marble. Others on here with marble making experience can probably address this, but I would think that in every batch there are many marbles that don’t come out like they should have but kinda similar. Those you posted are nice rainbos by the way!! Keep learning, I certainly am! jon
  2. Neither of the previous so called maybe dragons were NLRs! And what’s the polnt of “ tweeners” ? Either it’s a dragon or a flame or it’s not. When you start to blur the lines pretty soon anything is acceptable! Jon
  3. MCS X3, not a NLR or dragon but a nice different Pelt. Even the chicken knows better and evidently voted on previous humble opinions! jon
  4. AKRO flame? Hmmmmmmm that’s the first time I’ve heard that possibility. Isn’t that usually said about a nondescript slag? jon
  5. OMG! There is nothing pelt about this marble! It’s like wvrons says, some brand of WV swirl. And thanks again for the miller education! jon
  6. Nooooo….. that was Blue Eggyolk tommy! Sheshhhh Jon
  7. Not NLR or Liberty, maybe a weird Pelt or Vitro? Jon
  8. In my neighborhood you wouldn’t be allowed to use that beast in games!! Looks like it met some steelies! Lol Jon
  9. It can’t be a MFC, they didn’t have red slags. So either CAC or Akro, not many CAC traits so I’ll say hand gathered Akro slag, Nice! Jon
  10. This was posted on eBay as a CAC attempt at mimicking handmade agates! I noted that CAC never made such an opaque marble in this color or name. Funny these are the only ones I have ever seen and never in a book or on eBay. Is this guy right? If they are that rare is very odd you never see pics of them in books. Thanks Jon
  11. Not seeing bloody, red not very red and no tan stripes, just fading off reddish brown. And is that clear glass in the white or blue like Ravenswood? Jon
  12. Really hard to say oxblood with those tiny lines and need to see up close and 20X! It’s not obviously ox anyway, kinda dark. Jon
  13. Those colors and how they are laid on do not look MK, I’m gonna jump off the pelt train too and say Vitro! Pass the pop corn! Jon
  14. A-men!!! Love that name game!! And all 1000+ Christensens on eBay are really CACs!! Uh huh Jon
  15. Borderline? Is there enough extra action of the red stripes? jon
  16. CAC or Ravens but leaning to CAC because of the solidness of the white, Ravens usually have more striations or even that blue streak running through or alongside the stripes. Nice one! Jon
  17. Sheshhh….. these all look the same and all are getting a “ no CAC”! Comprende? So stop taking pics of similar ones! Jon
  18. Wow, another one of those ones where there just are not any CAC traits obviously showing! Lol, other than it’s red and a slag! So odds are it’s AKRO cuz it’s not Pelt either and MFC didn’t do red slags. Jon
  19. Looks more like a champion trans swirl , although CAC made them too but usually more, heavier swirls. I think the road and tunnel has to be on the surface!! Lol pretty marble Jon
  20. Not seeing Atmosphere, I’ve sold three of them this summer and they are generally more transparent and more colorful with inside swirls. What’s the size? Jon
  21. Good, I was hoping for the Pelt boat but I’ll hop on the MK boat too!! thanks jon
  22. The second one looks more CAC, esp if there is clear glass on that first one, not a CAC positive trait! Alley? jon
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