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Everything posted by jhomer2172

  1. jhomer2172


    The Spit shined MK tigwasper ! Lol
  2. Now thats better, they should at least kinda look like a crow! Not just a patch!
  3. Wow!! Your spit really shined it up! Might have to bottle it and sell it to collectors! Sweet marble, don’t know what the traits of a “golden Rainbo” would be, I’ll let the Peltheads chime in!
  4. Well they do not exhibit any traits for any vintage marble that I can see. They appear modern and my guess is contemporary torch made marbles. I don’t collect those so await further input from the experts!
  5. Soooooo..,, is there a variety of color in the Polar Bear? I’ve seen them on green and blue. Grandpas has a blue one on right now and I got one from him several months ago that was also bluish green. Not an expensive piece but fills a gap in my Pelt line. thanks Jon
  6. There are such a multitude of variety in Rainbos that you can’t name them all, not enough names and singularly it may be the only one like it you ever run across! Kind of silly to get into the “name game” with fairly common marbles. Just my opinion
  7. Thanks ya all! Yes I think Vacor is best bet but not an atmosphere! I looked at many posts and pics of them and also couldn’t find one like this or the other ones he had up. Here is another, eBay urbanestates1. thanks jon
  8. Don’t think touch, there were several of these posted claiming to be Atmospheres. He has several other larger sized marbles posted and when I asked him where he got the big ones he said Mexico and Guatemala by several companies owned by Vacor. I’m not a Vacor follower, do they often make one inch marbles?? Jon
  9. This and several others listed on eBay as Vacor Atmospheres, I don’t think so, base color too dark and the original ones usually have more multicolor swirls in a transparent clear base. What do you think? thanks team Jon
  10. Pelt Rainbos, no Superboy there at all!
  11. Yeah, no Pelt, not feathery enough.
  12. So at 11/16” is this a parrot or a parakeet? According to your paste up page parrots are 3/4-1” in size, that’s also what’s on Alan’s site also. What is the question about white showing or not showing? Thanks Jon
  13. Get your glasses on Dave! Lots of tan in the next to last pics. Sheshh, bloodies do vary and can be confusing like American Agates. But they generally have that deep rich red and tan/ brown on the CAC very white base.
  14. Two more pics from grandpas, idk, the red in yours is too red and there is no tan at all, the white looks CAC maybe but overall doesn’t look “damn” close to me. What’s the old saying? Close only counts in horse shoes or hand grenades! Lol I’m seeing Ravenswood possibilities too!
  15. Well it’s not a MK first off and the colors are not close. I’m including a pic of one from Alan again, not a good pic for ID but good for glass color!
  16. Blue CAC slag, the ribbons are two heavy and random to be a striped transparent
  17. Give me a freaking break! So I can abuse the system and post completely out of focus pics over and over and waste others time but can’t comment on that? I quit this board back in 2007, and besides two or three commentators most of the input is guessing Jabo this or Alley that, so maybe it’s time to go again. I was playing nice, truth hurts sometimes! So it’s ok if I “ abuse” on a PM but not in public? Sometimes it’s just too hard to bite your lip every time. Have a good evening. I’ll have nothing more to say.
  18. I agree with Ann, start with those better companies with distinctive styles that are fairly easy to ID. Pelt NLRs, Old style Marble Kings, Akro Popeyes and corks, CAC swirls and the old Germans. Study study study, and notice what makes each of these very distinctive compared with the cheaper WV swirls and Jabos and Vacors. Like Ann said, it’s a life long learning process, not like China where there is a stamp on the back of each piece! jon
  19. Yes, that’s a nice one! I’ve had a couple stangs but not that hot. What I’m actually thinking of is the Shelby cobra……one guy who has purchased several Vacor Atmospheres from me recently sold his collection of Pelts and CACs and bought a Mach 1 for his retirement!! jon
  20. When I’m looking to aquire a marble, I’m looking way beyond how “pretty” it may or may not be! Lots of Jabos, Vacors and other new marbles could be said to be pretty but worth very little and artificially made Htf just by controlling the amount produced. Lots of pelts and AKROs are but are they sought after for only that reason or also because of their history and rarity. I think the honey onyx has all those things. Lots of people own old Fords, not many have the Shelby two seat sports job. Jon
  21. I don’t think it’s a honey onyx, too red and has a seam and the green doesn’t look like green on the ones on the box or the ones in my hand. Maybe a tweener?? Lol jon
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