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Everything posted by Jeff54

  1. This link shows and explains what railroad marbles are about since 1942 and now: Fiberglass manufacture, Owens-Corning, Toledo, Ohio. Millions of carefully inspected glass marbles ready for remelting and forming into glass filaments. A single marble can be drawn into a continuous filament so fine that it could reach from New York to Philadelphia. More than one hundred filaments must be drawn together to make the finest workable strand - LOC's Public Domain Archive Public Domain Search (getarchive.net)
  2. This is a Christensen Agate (CAC) Striped opaque with some road and tunnel going on.
  3. Jeff54

    Hidden Pelt

    Dragonfly in an NLR swirl flavor.
  4. Indeed, fun and Lime Green is close, It's actually Chartreuse.. At 24" it came from the original owner, her first and only bicycle, made in 1954. Flat old tires and brake didn't work. All it needed was to air the tires, lube the brake, and runs perfectly. Practically can't kill an old Schwinn. Unfortunately, by the mid 1980's and finally 1990s's they're made in China and rust bucket trash. The factory type is 'Starlet' as far as anybody knows there are only two 24" Schwinn Chartreuse Starlets that have survived, one is a premium, and the other is standard. This is the standard type and the only one known to exist.
  5. Old Schwinn Cruiser Bikes. I used to fix, restore, resell, and build my own Schwinn 10-speeds in my teens. However, back then I would have junked or trashed what I began collecting years ago. About 30 bikes currently.
  6. This does not appear to fit the pattern, but it may be a variant of a Marble King 'Berry Pink'. The principal feature of one is a pink and blue lobster tail. Here are some examples with both, clear and white bases. Showing results for tags 'mk berry pink'. - Marble Connection
  7. Promotional packages could be cereal and other foods or toys, shoes, etc. Marble King two color St. Mary's cat eyes came inside Kellog's cereal that were in clear celluloid packages. Presumably, the celluloid would be earlier packages than those inside plastic vinyl. So, I would expect yours are 1960's. I don't do Face-Took! However, Al has a page there and you do not need to sign in as a member to see and view each or all of his bags. Link: Marble Bags and Boxes | Facebook
  8. Be sure to check the back story about these/those Bulgarian marbles. As fake and scams go, they're pretty neat.
  9. The 80's? Looks like you are describing the 50-60's. In the 80-90's I could not get my kids or their friends to garner the least interest in playing with them.
  10. Two Bumblebees and three Girl Scouts are like, so hard to find inside a bag. I mean, the odds are about 5-10 cub scouts to one girl and maybe 20-30 bees to a girl scout. There are probably more Wasps than Girl Scouts too.
  11. I thought it is a bit small, but didn't want to assume., .54 sums that up too. And man, the written description is worse than the photos. Tks for clueing me into the rest of the story.
  12. Dang, this post gave me a stroke! Ha, ha, not really, but I was replying to this last month when posted, because it was the first time I had seen these Alleys, and they looked familiar to me. Sure enough, I had one or two in my CAC box. However, as I tried to reply, I typed some misspelled babble that made no sense. I deleted it but wrote nonsense again. On the third time, I failed once more so, I went to the emergency room at the hospital. As soon as I was under their care, I had a mini-stroke for a few minutes. 🥴, I was OK within minutes, but they kept me overnight to be sure. So anyway, thanks for the post and update, otherwise I'd always thought CAC for sure.
  13. If it's not a real CAC Guinea then, it's a winner for the bad team. The two cut lines, multiple colors, and the way it swirls and stretches the frit all look good. The only part I question is whether it has a chip in this shot.
  14. Not hand-gathered MFC. That red is strangely bright perhaps like a CAC color but never seen with white.. What the heck is that white stuff? It does look like some window or sink caulk, but?
  15. I expect you'll find this interesting if you haven't seen it. It seems to have a contest like Rolly holley and World competition. Chose to translate the whole text from German to English; https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/murmeln-mehr-als-ein-kinderspiel-100.html#:~:text=Mumble,than child's play
  16. True dat. However, I have always called it; "Face took" your identity and sold it to the world.
  17. +2 Not Hand gathered. Sometimes you get a 9 pattern out of nowhere. This happened through folding itself and a bit if a twist in the center of it.
  18. Photos are not clear enough to be sure there's oxblood. That 1 inch Sparkler verity is a foreigner.
  19. Vintage made on white base. Newer; 1980's and up, has transparent base like these.
  20. Whoa, that's up to the big Ol 'two inch range, HUGE-A! I just happened across a couple of the Vacor Atmospheres Guinea style that @bumblebee uploaded from Alan B's auctions. Light blue transparent base was probably the same as the 1st one I had seen, pretty much just before the word got out. Probably whenever Toys R us 1st stocked them. They are filed as 'cac' but that's an error. First one is 15/16" and the other is a full inch, 1": FROM THE ALBUM: "MARBLEALAN AUCTION PHOTOS"
  21. Yeah two and a half inch Peltier would be nuts. However, pretty sure this is two Peltier's that are .58 size.
  22. 3 story, 1880's home we bought around 1990 and sold 2005. While rewiring 3rd floor that was originally an attic; In-between outside wall, above ceiling of 2nd floor, 3-4 5/8" German Cane cut micas were sitting where they had rolled off and into, 100 year prior. They were the very 1st micas I'd found.
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