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Everything posted by Jeff54

  1. 3/4" Peltier Window. Boy, gotta wonder when, were and how the name game got so messy. I mean, reviewing these, somehow it got discombobulated into Windshields. Whenever these popped up, it's like nothing in Peltier's line-up ever seen. Kind of electric with the blends, two different flavors and promoted by several prolific collectors and dealers. Pretty sure Gino Biffiny. had a role in there, signing off a conformation. They look as if were dug-up and IDK maybe as much as 50 got distributed as a hot ticket. Was such a weird name for Peltier 'Window' but made more sense when in hand for the window of clear. Windshield? I've seen more mismatched names, it's remarkable. Regardless, here's a pair of the two colors, Yellow/orange and Peachy with orange blend, Peltier 'Windows' came in. The 'Window' goes clear through the center:
  2. "DLG 14"? Threw me off for a sec. , I boarded 'DLG 15' Jan 1974 in Subic Bay.
  3. I expect, everybody that has intrest in what, when and where has been waiting for this set. Ha, lowly 2 patch? Not. Through years of wonder these may come as a surprise. If you're thorough while shopping you can find MK J-box/package that are dated 1967 on the rear side. There's plenty of this style packages made so, it does not mean they are dated too. Regardless, sorry, also old and poor graphic photo,, again,,.. Here's an assortment, I sorted, long time ago to show what MK's are like around the 1970's: Notably, at bottom right, some are a light green base with orange and or brown.
  4. Where , for the blue into the white, does have an Akro flavor. However, the shade of the yellow doesn't. And, yeah, there's just too many marbles with the same shear cut mark, way to many, to judge everything like it as Master. Straight cut, V and curved can be used by any manufacture with any variable of mixing those to suite. One side could be straight, the other V, two Vs, V and curve, etc. So, I took your advice. These shooters at the largest photo theft site; worthpoint, have the blue, white, yellow and green that are same as my lost photo of: 100 count Tricolor No. 1 (5/8") box. I Still have the box though. Vintage AKRO AGATE No 2 BOX, 50 Tri Color MARBLES | #454712699 (worthpoint.com) This site and others are the reason I began placing copyright marks on my photos over 20 years ago.. Google's adclick cookie, that hides in everybody's system, is how Google makes $$ Billions $$ at no charge to users. Adclick generates income of tiny .001 cents for worth point and more, which is the main reason Google didn't go bankrupt when they were originally running out of their apartment. Probably a billion $$ corporation now; Worthpoint, because they're thieves trolling for a click and blocking everybody from linking the stolen photos of collectibles and such. So, to see, you gotta informally give them Google's money for services. 'sigh'
  5. After having seen the leftovers after the previous show when they turned up, Les Johns had those in Amana 2002, they were the real deal albeit by then what he had out on display, in his room, were picked through and not perfectly round. The next month on Ebay he listed better. But, Thelma, if I recall her name, began listing hers before that. She was also In Cambridge and somehow part of the dug-up find. There were no rejects or poorly shaped marbles of what she sold. Thanks to folks fighting and arguing L.J.'s sold at higher prices for his popularity while Thelma's were more affordable. A little patience and Thelma came through for me with, arguably, one of the most unusual mint CAC's you could imagine. (See 2nd closeup photo with awesome color mixing) Calling some CAC's "Submarine" was popular and so, when I began photographing, it was not an idea I'd thought; far-fetched. "We all live in ah" "Yellow submarine!" "YELLOW SUBMARINE."
  6. Yeah Tks Dave. Chad is not the only admitted 'Cheap guy'. It was one of those unidentified, although I knew it exactly right off; Ebay, Wait and watch the ending last seconds with no bidder, snipes. Anticipation to get it, turned out mint too.
  7. Quite possibly whenever this book is published the set of Berry Pink's Nov. 1957 Sales promotional Cards and signed letter with Akro Agates and St Mary's Cat eyes will be in it. Because the woman (Fanny) who sold that set on ebay, and had sent me all of her photos/ scans, said; the guy who got them intended to publish a book about MK. Having known this for years now, that's why I added the disclaimer of ownership in her photo's gift to me, when I upload them here, for helping her understand what she had. Expecting that the buyer may put them into a book, I didn't not want to cross bad lines where someone would dispute the privilege or copy rights.
  8. CAC Blue Lace. Back in the day, 1980's, these and others of the CAC kind were first considered slags. Whenever they caught the attention of collectors and the transition to machine made marbles became collectible. Prior too, the interest in this hobby was German cane-cut, handmade. Basically, almost hard to imagine now, all machine made were considered 'Junk'. Which if you were there to grab CAC for a buck eh? Yet it wasn't just a slag as once it took off the first name was A Blue Lace. The others found to be CAC Modern Swirls, later on, around the 1990's, the modern adopted the Lace designation. So, being an old timer, it's what is was, even though today, given the transition of newer names, and or types, no longer, 'Just a Slag' out of a seller' 1 buck box; it would be considered: 'Striped transparent.
  9. This is an Alley and when translucent like this, it's called an: 'Ghost'
  10. Akro 5/8" Clear base Oxblood patch. Small graphics 20 year old photo:
  11. Ravenswood. Humm, I can not remember who I got these from and claimed the maker. I lost this photo and restored it today.. Nothing special and not dup-up but it's a pack of em, I've had about 25 years for ID purposes:
  12. Golden Rebel I acquired on ebay over 20 years ago that I had to inform the seller about it before he'd accept my low ball offer. Later, this marble was stolen from me and I found it on eBay. It was polished whenever I acquired it and so, it is easy to prove it was mine. However, guess? when you find stolen items of yours, Police, feds Post office mail fraud and Ebay is a tough luck deal. But that's not why I chose it today to be whining about my loss.. This is why I do not like to polish machine made marbles. However it's a learning zone too. No 'Black' aventurine because, it's not actually Black on a Golden Rebel, it's dark Green inside, under the aventurine. I have seen it many times even without polishing it off the surface.. The red thins into pinks and other strange things happen too..
  13. I think you got it the first time Fire. There is a very close resemblance to Peltier on this multi-colored marble. Green and yellow is a fairly frequent combination. Adding in that somewhat patch like brown on the top in this photo causes me pause before judgement, that it may be a bonus ribbon. I only have 3 of these in green and yellow. I do not place them as a 'baseball' type as the base is translucent. Rather, while the ribbons may be the same or similar as 'baseballs', those I'd come to know as 'Baseballs' are typically more of a solid white base and only 1 color. ACME Realer is a close type, yet Gino shows another patch group as ACME Realer's . If referring to Gino Biffany's sample display, (home made craft board or a factory relic?) they only have 1 color dual ribbons as Realers too, but are the same translucent white base. Albeit, I have seen original boxes, stamped "ACME Realer, on the side" with solid white base and single two ribbon color while the face of box says "Rainbo" so,,, with the range of variation in several millions pumped out at factories: Beyond collector's searches and names, what's in a name? Realer, Rainbo Baseball? Ha. Yet add another color and it's a new game 'Hybrid' Burnt Rainbo, Realer, baseball? When the unusual happens; the door is wide open for a name game. You have the colors and pattern here, plus what appears to be a bonus color. Needs a few better photos to reveal all so ID can be nailed without question.
  14. Life without a 7/8" hybrid Ruby bee scout is like not knowing how many early verities MK made. So, with red patch on yellow the Ruby is out to play Bombers! You add a dark blue because it has red in that ribbon. Another got a dark transparent brown ribbon with a side line of green, all the scouts armed with the bees are out on the attack. To get into this pot, you gotta bring some serious power to the ring or get destroyed.
  15. They are pretty rare. Jill's better or rarer marbles, like mine, were hardly ever mint. Mint minus at best but, usually rare stuff would be in the upper near mint range. The site she dug at had several reasons to have been disturbed when dumped and rainwater streams to move them around. Alternatively, I don't know exactly how many Ray found. I say 2nd addition because the patch and ribbon Hercules was extremely low production. This is a two patch and until Ray found some, there were vary few ever seen, which is why the uncertainty and lack of ID on the net. Potentially, yours came from an eBay sale; resold by somebody who'd picked up what he'd found and sold privately too? Because Ray sold maybe 30 of them at ebay as well. But, Maybe he found 30-50 of these. He'd also found 100's, IDK maybe 500 or more early 60's patch and ribbon Wasp. Boy scout and bees and a few practically never seen and others in pristine condition. These would be early 60's too.
  16. Fraid this photo is so old the Graphics are poor. Jill Spencer-dug-up, Paden City piles. Circa; Based on the types of patch and ribbons (bees, boy and girl scout, hybrids variations of water melons and hybrid spiders) she'd find within: Early 1960's, 2nd edition of the Hercules. She only found a few of them. . Better photo: Ray Tetrick '1stopmibshop' found some mint examples with a bunch of hybrids and stuff., dug-up under a farmer's shed, or something like that, in 2010. There's 2 in this photo he'd sent me.
  17. Pretty certain there is only one company that made these shades of blue white and orange or blue white and yellow colors together that flame or swirl. (See the two at right bottom in my photo,) and are quite hard to find anywhere: Veiligglas.
  18. Indeed, virtually impossible except for the rule: 'Range of variation.' The colors and striping, as I've noticed, is very rare. I mean, I believe I have seen only one in a 5/8" corkscrew,, (not dug-up) but wasn't as pretty, perhaps for being smaller. So, you could presume it processed through Barker's (Spinning cup) system. If it was unfolded without a spin then; the same as other's made during Barker's process, using his friction gear, (Otherwise described as a transmission) where an occasional patch occurs during the process, you'd get the red opened as a patch, that would be neat too. Were it to have been spin into a corkscrew, in this 3/4" size, with all the striping and rarity, just completely awesome. That's of the reasons I like factory dug-up marbles. There are many things that were lost and long forgotten that kids had to choose from. To compete against, wager our skills and luck. To collect a bag of amazing glass balls, which is not unlike the war of cash today: To virtually archive the same goal; wager, luck, skill, trade or cash for the most dazzling and mind-boggling range of variation.
  19. Here's a mint 3/4" factory dug-up that wanted to defy the spinning cup and all else Akro made. Rather than cork or patch it decided to horseshoe.
  20. You're correct now on a few points you made. , You could not see any cut offs and you don't want it to be a fake. Yet what you studied apparently is what's of the hardest to learn about them. The reason, as well, you see no difference in the photos given. Albeit the two with tiny spots, I would need to have in my hands to believe them. You can't tell one from the other because you either need very large, high graphic photos of all sides to inspect and learn from or own the real things. These don't cost a major chunk of change for being plentiful. What's worse, 3/4" size triples the rarity and green too is next to impossible. Which means, if you didn't get had, taken for a ride, ripped off, you would not be the first, nor the seller know or understand the difference in a fake and real. And there's this, I do not think a green base that big has ever been discovered and green in 5/8? super rare. What you are just learning about is not just about fakes but rarity and value. Like, IDK what a market for real one like your fake would be but, likely in the range of $5,000 and possibly $10K! I.E. no you did not get lucky rather, do a better search because fakes and reproduction torch made or Germany, Europe, Mexico, fake USA, and China made are all over the place. Not to leave out Fake boxes too. ;(.
  21. Oh, it's 5/8". Near hidden in this are 5 5/8" sups that are mint and virtually same run. All but one have an orange ribbon and variations of like kind very dark red ribbon connecting them because they had been together since taken from a Lucky Boy box. .
  22. Nope, that's it: 'Muddies.' And both 5/8" I have are striped with green. The larger I have is sort of the same green but, closer to turquoise like yours are.. IDK if there's other colors and or why anbody would consider other base colors but, that's what I've always known previously.
  23. Indeed, the photo is quite nice but, it's not 'Burnt' not a Burnt slag at all. It's an moreover 'Creamy orange slag' that is moreover, unburnt unless referring to the clear. However, that clear tone is the same on all except normally, have lot's of bubbles too. . In the 1980's and early 90's pretty much all of the clear based CAC marbles like this were called slags. Albeit, I have never seen the light creamy orange colors in any CAC I know of. Nore have I seen this type that's most slag-y verses swirl, or striped. As far as cutoff , it sure looks right to be 2 seams. This one, if the colors of it are accurate, it's a little creamy verse burnt and not quite as 'Electric' as usual. The 'Electric orange, swirl/slag were made in 5/8" and 7/8", I've seen a box or two of 5/8" but not 3/4" which are harder to find. I use to have photos of the boxes but currently they are stuck in one of my hard drives that Win 10 doesn't want to recognize. Regardless, those two boxes, one being complete, the other about 60-75% filled, if I recall correctly are not exactly like the 3/4" sizes as bigger typically is bubbly and not as clear as the 5/8" are. Every once and a while, as were seen inside of original boxes, you would have seen one that had the colors completely inside of it, verses both in and outer. So to that effect, you could get an Electric Orange Cobra in them. However, unless the colors are off, this is not as electric, if at all that, the norm is. All of those I have and seen both loose and in boxes are 'Electric because it's the blending of yellow and red that makes a very bright orange. During the late 90's as collector's attention was drawn closer to CAC and more prized for the color, it migrated to 'Swirl'. That's why, in my photo below, it's titled this way "Swirl/slag". Today, they are called Striped transparent and like other Electric Orange you'll also have the Cobra loops under, inside of the clear. Moreover, original in collectors ID as Slags during the and prior to the 1980's that changed ID to Swirls, then another ID as a Striped Transparent Submarine and 'Exotics' where now for the loops inside, although I have not seen an ID as this but, Electric orange Striped transparent Cobra or 'Exotic' is not a stretch of the imagination, in consideration to the titles given to 'Guinea Cobras and the like with 'Exotic' striped transparent having Cobra loops within. I'd guess the seller also struggles to fit a type on it as it looks, despite the color, slag-y' I have 2 that are , as it goes more likened as Submarines these days,.. Electric Orange is very difficult to photograph with low graphics as this is only 5K. I made it over 20 years ago and was probably very difficult for most others to accomplish where the clear shows with bubbles and a decent sense of the red and yellow into orange blending together. A better photo would, or should show plenty more blending of yellow and red. The Topic marble does not have red and yellow blending, rather it's like a creamy mix of orange. There are two single seamed marbles in this photo,. The 2 on the left are distinguished by looping, stripes and size: left is 29/32" Right is 7/8" the right side photo is same two marbles in different angles. Marked in size, one is slightly larger than the other.
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