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Everything posted by Marbles_on_Mind

  1. Your marble reminds of this one I have. But yours almost looks like a vein and mine seems brushed on.
  2. It sucks paying retail. Wish I could find these at local auctions and antique stores. The last couple auctions didn’t have any marbles.
  3. I really like these patches.
  4. Now I’m going to have to go through all my marbles again! Doh! 😂
  5. Man, what’s the chances of finding those at a local auction? I’ve noticed it’s hard to find the shooters at most live auctions or estate sales.
  6. Nice! I have 6 Akro OxBloods currently. Sold one awhile back, wish I didn’t. Two are Lemonades and glow under UV. I have another lemonade, but it’s worthless since it has a chunk missing from it. My nicest is a corkscrew. I believe it is 5/8.
  7. I guess any of them. Lemonades, Egg Yolks, etc… What sizes have you all seen? I have a soft spot for these particular marbles. I want them all!
  8. There were a lot of cool marbles. It was good to see names associated with them. Great research.
  9. Looked like a nice set if you wanted 25 of them! I really like the looks of some of Vacor marbles. There are definitely some collectible ones out there.
  10. I feel good that I’m pronouncing everything correct! This one got me though, but that has to be correct with the “ier” ending. I’ve seen that before and that is how you would say it.
  11. Did you see that box of hurricanes at Blocks auction?
  12. You’re just having the time of your life! 🤣
  13. This explains my situation perfectly. All of a sudden I needed anything and everything vintage and I needed it all yesterday!
  14. Yep, was at an estate auction some months back. Just there to buy uranium glass. Saw the marbles and they were like nothing I’ve ever seen before. Had to have them. It wasn’t until after more research and another estate auction that I kind of knew what marbles were in those jars. After that, found this place to confirm and converse.
  15. I posted this the other day. Not the same? It’s shooter size. Just normal light on the last pic. Not UV.
  16. Interesting. I’ve blown these off in my past hauls. So you’re saying these are vintage? I’ll have to go back through everything….again! 😀
  17. Not sure what to make of this one. Shooter Size.
  18. I have some like these. Not sure what they are. I figured modern.
  19. I just found this one interesting since it had the swirls. It was the only one in my group like this.
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