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Everything posted by davesnothere

  1. Thanks guys. I thought as much . I only have 6 jabos they make me scratch my head sometimes.
  2. Killer tail on this egg yolk 3/4" Found in the wild.
  3. Nice! I like to do your gardening lol. I keep all my knackered German mibs, the reason being the larger one we're mosrly used for lawn bowling back in the day. I bought a 2 1/4 this weekend cheeeeap because of a fracture most likely from playing with it. It adds so much nostalgia for me. Also I've heard that 2" and up were custom ordered.
  4. In general they have some intriguing light pastel colors, which is interesting on the chalk white base. The wavey streams give them a funky vibe .
  5. 60s 70s Possibly maybe early. I'm on the prowl for more info on these .
  6. You could be very right. It might be a japan machine made as well.i have some fiquire 8s early that have the same glass quality. I'm just specalting of course .
  7. I see a lot of thos plinko style marble games. This one is especially nice ,it must be a deluxe or early or something.
  8. You have a good eye that's one of my favorites I like the black green the most looks like an alley on steroids
  9. It's taken awhile but I've peiced together some sought after flat finish imperial boulders and 5/8 It seems the dull finish was normal on the earlier imperials. I've peiced this together one by one so it's not a bad run. Would love to see more flat finish imperials.
  10. The second pics were the ones you saw. Not blaming you Chuck just thought you might have wanted to see this . I get to say I was right 🤪
  11. Your efforts are greatly appreciated!! I've went through the web and my books and nothing 100% @cheese looked at the second one he felt rare alley.
  12. I like em too but kinda creepy. Remind of those little naked bisque dolls from the 50s
  13. Some I picked up in the last few months there might be a couple wrong id's especially the Amber's
  14. Ok that's pretty killer . Is there a pontil I cant see I'm on a phone.
  15. Lol yeah I do that a lot. Recently bought two 1" akro slags and they turned out to be rare masters. Had slags on the noodle lol
  16. They're kind of fun. I get bored and rummage through cateyes with the uv light. Look for the blue ones in shooter size they glow cool when art glass was used. 🤔 Not sure why MK used art glass in its later runs you would think it's expensive. Maybe somebody knows why?
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