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Everything posted by Hipocritter

  1. Pete Seeger- Leatherwing Bat Howdy dowdy diddle-o-day Howdy dowdy diddle-o-day ee o lo lee lee oh lee oh Hi said the woodpecker sittin on the fence once I courted the handsome wench. she got saucy and from me fled ever since then my head's been red Howdy dowdy diddle-o-day Howdy dowdy diddle-o-day ee o lo lee lee oh lee oh
  2. That is a beautiful marble. I still like the hand mades the best!
  3. As the sage said "Rocky You've Met Your Match".
  4. That is one cool Raccoon !

    Another nice job by Mike.



    1. Hipocritter
    2. Hipocritter


      Hmmm... Starting to get hungry................

    3. Hipocritter



      Hmmm... Starting to get hungry................


  5. That's a fine Grizzly Bear Mike. Any Resemblance to a Real Live Bear is Purely Occidental.
  6. Back in 1987 we had a chance encounter with Muhammad Ali. We were on our way to a west coast marble show, changing planes at the Pittsburgh airport. Lloyd says "Look, it's Muhammad Ali!" Yes, it was the Champ. He was by himself except for one body guard. Lloyd's family had always been interested in boxing. His Dad, Lloyd Huffer Sr., had fought in the Golden Gloves arena. Lloyd approached him and said he was a marble collector. He gave Ali a nice German swirl marble, and a business card. Ali signed the card and returned it, although we had not asked him for an autograph. He looked at the marble and said in his unmistakable drawl "That's beautiful. I will put it in my museum." That was a Chance Encounter of the Best Kind.
  7. Thanks for all the continued interest. Seller : legendarymarbles (2090 ) 100% Positive feedback We did relist the marble as an auction. It will close this week on Thursday the 3rd of September. http://www.ebay.com/sch/legendarymarbles/m.html?_trksid=p4340.l2562 Good luck in the bidding !
  8. Thanks for the positive comments. I had no idea we would be closing our auction on the same day as a Stock Market Crash ! Ebay Item # 121730202793 http://www.ebay.com/...984.m1558.l2649 I know that marbles are better than stocks, maybe others do as well.
  9. This super Man and Woman sulphide has been in my collection for over 30 years. I have had so many show an interest in this sulphide, I have decided to sell it. It is listed on eBay now- Seller : legendarymarbles (2090 ) 100% Positive feedback Ebay Item # 121730202793 http://www.ebay.com/itm/121730202793?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1558.l2649 The marble auction closes next Monday, the 24th of August. Good luck in the bidding.
  10. So sorry to hear of your loss.
  11. This special sulphide is my favorite of all marbles. Chris says she would seriously consider selling it for a reasonable offer. I can't believe my wife and I have been together nearly 50 years. Sometimes it would be nicer if time stood as still as this couple.
  12. Living here in the woods is a naturalist's paradise. There is always something visually dazzling.
  13. The young Box Turtles are still small. The Wood Turtle is an old timer.
  14. The rent is paid in advance.
  15. Wow ! That Mallow Hibiscus is very interesting for sure. It is not only beautiful, but huge. Gardening/growing things is great fun. True they are small leaves, but we will be having a fresh from the garden Lettuce salad in a few minutes ! .
  16. Caught again. Ah, now I'm out & back on the job ! .
  17. There are still only a few leaves on our trees. These Lady Slippers are in bloom now. Locally these Woods Orchids are called ' The Moccasin Flower '. The forest floor is an interesting place.
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