Yikes, not Bill Sweet........OMG what a major loss.
Bill & I dealt through the mail in the early '80's. I was thrilled, you could BUY marbles from him- almost anytime you wanted- this was almost unheard of at the time. Years of looking everywhere & anywhere for marbles & now here is Bill Sweet with a list of marbs for sale- Great! I bought plenty of special marbs through the mail from Bill over the years including my first Clambroth.
I finally met Bill at his Marble Show in Attleborough MA. sp? Probably 1985. Wow, what a show that was- all the serious old timers were there- Bev Brule, Bert Cohen, Everett Grist, Art Ward, Gary Dolly, Warren Abair, Don Taylor, Jim Moeller, and of course his son Eric. He and Eric were always close, it was a guarantee if you saw Bill you would see his son too.
In 1987 there was a major marble auction in Middletown Ohio. The Lindemann collection was being dispersed. Bill & Warren Abair flew out to the sale. A bunch of other collectors showed up too. We all stayed in the same Hotel & had a mini-marble-meet the night before the auction. The morning of the sale Bill invited my wife Chris & me to ride to the auction hall with him & Warren. The chance to hang with these heavy hitters was a dream come true. We hadn't left the parking lot in the rental car when I could see that the driver- Bill, more than 20 years my senior, was very nervous at the wheel. Before we entered traffic I told him that driving was as easy for me as falling off a log- I would gladly take the wheel. He pulled over immediately and everyone changed seats. We were all glad that he accepted my offer to drive. It was easy sailing after I got behind the wheel, everyone relaxed behind my smooth driving.
You leave your friends at the door to the auction hall, so we fought it out tooth & nail for the best marbles. The battle for these super marbles was intense. Minor skirmishes erupted on many prime examples of all types of handmade marbles. There were record prices set on both Sulphides & Swirls. $3600 for a large Lobed Onionskin with Mica was the high price of the day.
After the sale we were all friends again. Bill asked me to take the wheel on the way back to the hotel- no problem. He was at ease with being chauffeured around & I was glad to do it. This was the start of a friendship that lasted for many years.
Rest in Peace Bill, You will be missed by many.
I'm sad,
Lloyd Huffer