It was April Fools Day- way back when. I was 21 my, youngest brother Kenny was 12 years old at the time. My wife and I invited Ken over for Spaghetti Dinner. It was the first time he was coming to our apartment for a meal.
Chris had a sumptuous meal all set on the table when he showed up. There was Spaghetti, Meat Balls, Tomato Sauce, Italian Bread and right in the middle of the table a large plastic shaker can with it's label clearly marked TURTLE FOOD.
Kenny saw it right away. He knew we had a pet store turtle -Flash- in an aquarium. His eyes were popping out of his head.
We all plated our Spaghetti with lots of sauce and meat balls.
I then picked up the Turtle Food can and sprinkled it all over my food. I passed the can to Chris and she also sprinkled the can on her food. My brother started to turn a little green- he was next for the Turtle Food can.
"No Thanks" "I'll eat mine like this.."
When I took the can and sprinkled it all over his Spaghetti he almost left the table.
I took a few bites of my Spaghetti and said "Come on, eat" "You'll like it."
We had filled the can with Kraft Parmesan Cheese before he arrived.