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Everything posted by Hipocritter

  1. Yes, I did the puzzle. How could I not do it! Here's one for you- http://three.flash-g...9347&k=50527512
  2. BJ- First You got me hooked on those dang cyber-puzzles, and Now you make me LMAO at some funny stuff. Thanks Bub I really apreciate the humor, it is one of those days when I needed a good laugh.
  3. Nice Score- Nice Toy Duffy. Ya gotta Love that Price Tag!
  4. Say, Wait a Minute?? And I thought Mikey was a mind reader! .
  5. WoW! Great Marbles and Super Pictures too! I'm with Bob on these- nice job, I like them all! .
  6. Hey BigJohn, Thanks for making the jigsaw puzzle out of Zaboo's marble picture. Of course, I had to put it together. And then, so did the missus! Turned out really neat!
  7. I love it! Nice one Big John! He plays an April Fools Joke on a chat about April Fools Jokes! Ya gotta wonder, was Steph in cohoots? or just taken by John's cleverness? Yep, hook, line and sinker!
  8. It was April Fools Day- way back when. I was 21 my, youngest brother Kenny was 12 years old at the time. My wife and I invited Ken over for Spaghetti Dinner. It was the first time he was coming to our apartment for a meal. Chris had a sumptuous meal all set on the table when he showed up. There was Spaghetti, Meat Balls, Tomato Sauce, Italian Bread and right in the middle of the table a large plastic shaker can with it's label clearly marked TURTLE FOOD. Kenny saw it right away. He knew we had a pet store turtle -Flash- in an aquarium. His eyes were popping out of his head. We all plated our Spaghetti with lots of sauce and meat balls. I then picked up the Turtle Food can and sprinkled it all over my food. I passed the can to Chris and she also sprinkled the can on her food. My brother started to turn a little green- he was next for the Turtle Food can. "No Thanks" "I'll eat mine like this.." When I took the can and sprinkled it all over his Spaghetti he almost left the table. I took a few bites of my Spaghetti and said "Come on, eat" "You'll like it." We had filled the can with Kraft Parmesan Cheese before he arrived.
  9. Great Design BigJohn. The Marbles swirling near the real wheels gives the illusion of plenty of torque. And you know the big Marble on the hood is where the horsepower comes from. I've been voting every day! Anybody can vote- you don't have to be a NASCAR fan. Just click on the link on page 2 and add another mark in the race for the Marble Car. Hammer down! We're nearing the finish line now. BigJohn for the Win! LL
  10. Hey BigJohn, Where are you in the standings now? I've been voting every day. Kinda fun- I'm liking your design more all the time too. BigJohn for the win!
  11. Oh Boy, Oh Boy! I voted once again! Hey Scoop thanks for posting the link on the second page. Go BigJohn Go!
  12. Pretty Cool Marbles Mike. I like this one the best.
  13. Don't worry Roscoe, I'll be voting again & maybe even again.... How could you not vote for a Marble Car!
  14. That may be the last Toyota in the country! Nice design Big John. I voted!
  15. What a Cutie! No wonder Grandpa gives her marbles.
  16. Now that's some funny stuff right there!
  17. I guess it's easy to see why The Faker does it:Winning bid: US $2,871.00 It is not so easy to see Why the Bidders Do It? Is it really simply that they have 'More Money Than Brains'? Winning bid: US $2,871.00
  18. Hi Mike, Thanks for the bids. I hope you are a winner! Geez, we go back far enough for you to get a Gold Medal. ( A Little Inside Joke. ) Best of Luck, Lloyd Huffer
  19. My eBay Marble Auctions If you're not up for watching foot ball, I have a few marble lots listed closing opposite the Super Bowl. The next weekend too. Thanks for looking, Lloyd Huffer LEGENDARYMARBLES
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