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Everything posted by Hipocritter

  1. Hey Rich, We're hiding off the beaten track in the woods of PA. Stop by if you can find us. There are gallons of Chinese Checkers here in the basement. I'm Hip.
  2. wOw! Very nice restoration work. Well done Craig.
  3. Wow! What a loss. Seems like only yesterday Art was breaking my chops for fun. Good Bye Old Friend.....................
  4. These were dug at the American Toy Marble Co. in Akron in 1995. I will be listing them for sale on eBay this coming week- legendarymarbles http://www.ebay.com/...sid=p4340.l2562
  5. Ah, Good Times, Good Food, Good Friends- Merry Christmas! .
  6. Hey Mike! Thanks again. I was able to change a few pictures in my listings. I used your picture for the blue & yellow Christensen. The Speckled Trout is sure getting a lot of looks. We'll see what happens on Sunday. .
  7. Mike- You're hired. Wow! What a difference! I'll have to figure out how to do that. LL
  8. Hi All! We have decided to list a few marbles on eBay. This Onionskin- " The Speckled Trout " is now for sale for the first time in over 30 years. This is the Marble illustrated in Grists Big Book of Marbles. http://www.ebay.com/...=item1c21a737e0 Thanks for looking. Lloyd Huffer legendarymarbles on eBay
  9. Better late than never! Happy B'Day Duffy.
  10. I heard that Paul Baumann's marbles sold for 170K and the whole auction totaled 310K. Not too shabby in "this economy". LL
  11. Are those Felixes making Cats Eyes? .
  12. I agree with ZZ. This marble is a classic double ribbon core.
  13. There are a few antique handmade marbles that have ribbons of bubbled glass intentionally used as part of the design. They can look pretty sparkly when the effect is done correctly.
  14. Felix has other friends to play with too.
  15. Felix is fun! He makes Fritzie laff like crazy. They are pals.
  16. The double twist ribbon marble was part of my collection for over 20 years. I traded it in for this driveway:
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