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Everything posted by Hipocritter

  1. Caliphony after polish- Color all the way through the marble. Just like the real ones. I guess 8 out 0f 10 still believe in santa claws....... enough to pee on his leg, anyway. . .
  2. Hey m!b$, WoW! Great marbles- Fantastic Pictures too! .
  3. How come this looks so 'at home' in your marble display............ Nice one Duffy! .
  4. Octokini- definitely and looking hot too!
  5. Steph said- " Those bikinis are a riot! " Aren't those actually 'eightkinis' ?
  6. Even My Heimer - Fritzie thinks that's funny! .
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyXJ1sAQtaY&sns=em
  8. This Oldie is Still My Favorite Marble.
  9. Chuck- Thanks for taking the time to make such a clear cut & well worded post about the current stance of marble shows. Marble Shows are some of the most fun things you can do in the Marble World. We miss seeing you two at shows- Lloyd the hipocritter
  10. Real Nice Osprey Picture. Is that schooner the Bluenose?
  11. Holy Mackerel John That’s terrible news. We’re all rootin for you- your family and that beautiful baby.
  12. Wow! What a loss. I got a couple of my favorite marbles from them. They seemed like they were always in love.
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