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Everything posted by Hipocritter

  1. Hey Bob, http://www.ebay.com/itm/A-Field-Guide-to-Animal-Tracks-Peterson-Series-Mammals-Birds-Reptiles-Insects-/221380713830?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item338b519d66 We have had one of these Animal Track Field Guides for years. It was a little tricky at first, but then it became fun to work with. .
  2. Dang ! You can almost smell that from here...............
  3. Our Morning Glories are great fun to have. We are using the same sanding process on our Redbud Tree seeds. We would love to have a companion for the one we have now. .
  4. The book has been sold out for a couple years. This copy just became available. Here it is on eBay- http://marbleconnection.com/topic/20427-big-book-of-marbles-4th-edition-personalized-by-lloyd-huffer-sold-out-classic/ Only the one copy to sell...........
  5. Ah, one of our sly neighbors celebrates Valentines Day too. .
  6. WoW ! What a nifty bunch of marbles !
  7. Yes, we are very lucky to have a strong Bald Eagle population. There are several nesting pairs in our area. We can find an Eagle nearby almost every day. The one pictured is right out our front door at the edge of our yard. http://www.nps.gov/upde/naturescience/baldeagles.htm Our home is in the Upper Delaware Wild and Scenic Recreation Area. The area is maintained by the National Park System. .
  8. Yeah Mike Barton ! He's a tricky guy ! He makes some really nice marbles ! And Mike made this Fritz the Dog Toy as well as the marbles ! .
  9. That's Captain Marble's - Don Taylor's collection. Don was at the very first Amana Show. Lots of others too. He even had his own show in Ann Arbor, MI. Some Pretty Rare Stuff !
  10. Thanks to everyone for the compliments. We share the neighborhood with some interesting characters. .
  11. Here is a picture of our woods from across the frozen Delaware River. Our house sits on the ridge. .
  12. Thanks for noticing Sarab. We have plenty of White Pines. With a blend of other soft and hard woods deep in the snow. This tall Hemlock Grove is one of our special spots. Perfect for picnics, but not today ! .
  13. Ah, February is fine. And deep ! Over a foot of new snow ! .
  14. Thanks Everybody ! Yes, we listed this group of marbles to close opposite the Super Bowl. We knew when we listed them that it could be fun of a different dimension. We didn't realize then that Linus would come along pulling his blanket. Like most of you we'll be watching the Snow Storm Super Bowl. http://www.ebay.com/sch/legendarymarbles/m.html?_trksid=p4340.l2562 Good Luck in the bidding ! .
  15. Here are a few for fun on a cold winter day. The group is a mix of makers. The link below will bring up the listing. http://www.ebay.com/sch/legendarymarbles/m.html?_trksid=p4340.l2562 Good Luck in the bidding. .
  16. WoW ! What a beautiful & wide street. Grand old trees too. Is that right near the capitol ?
  17. Hey Sarab, Love the Twain Cat Quote ! Now for 100 Cat Pictures ? Well maybe later........
  18. Wahoo ! Nice Job ! Super Duper Pictures ! .
  19. It must be under there somewhere. The snow gives the illusion of no driveway.
  20. Hi Winnie, The Amaryllis picture was taken inside. The bulb is several years old. The 40 year old Boston Fern in the background gives the illusion of being outdoors. It is still wonderful winter weather outside the house. .
  21. These beauties are just starting to bloom.  The Amaryllis sure brightens these short days. .
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