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Everything posted by Hipocritter

  1. Ah, finally here is a preview of the contestants for the Pet Calendar- http://www.catskillshopperonline.com/eedition/page_2c0ed051-4520-560d-b351-bb408eaba6dc.html#page_e07 It's coming, just a slow loading page. There's Our Boy Fritz, No. 18. He's laughing about this whole thing. Us as well.
  2. Thanks Winnie. Your picture is super too. There's quite a difference between rural & city scenes. A lot of similarities too.
  3. Dang Ann that is a perfect party picture of our girl Steph.
  4. Happy Birthday Steph ! Hope you had good'un ! Bob, well, you know you're outrageous ! What Great Fun !
  5. No Hollywood for me. But Fritz is currently in contention for a calendar cover from one of the local newspapers. His picture is good enough, but you have to pay 10 cents a vote........... Chances of winning don't look too promising, Fritz has no money at all. .
  6. Bob, Thanks once again for a good laugh !
  7. Even though it does kinda seem a little early. Happy Halloween ! .
  8. It is often said- "A picture is worth a thousand words." This one with the wild lightning strike sure fires up the imagination. We know what great fun can be had with our cameras, so, why not try for it ! We Do !
  9. That's the main thing I know about you. You sure are hip to what's happening in the Marble World. Thanks again, .
  10. Hey Duffy, Thanks for the post ! I would never have seen the show without it. It was really great to see the marbles being made. Plenty of them too.
  11. They're winding down, but there is still a taste or so left for our local Hummers- the Ruby Throats.
  12. Sure you can play Winnie, Bears the world over love to play marbles. Sometimes I wonder what these rascals are up to at night when I'm sleeping......... .
  13. Hi Mike, Yep, we sure do. Wow ! You do such imaginative work! Both the Toy Dog and the Marbles were made by Mike Barton.
  14. Geez. How succinct. No surprise really, but we do have quite a bit in common. .
  15. wOw! Those cars are fantastic. Only the two though, that must be tough. . And Winnie- With great toys like that wonderful doll house, I'm surprised to see you on the marble chats.
  16. Hey Bob, It started when some super balls came with marble collections.
  17. Dang Bob, What a beauty. The view from the driver's seat would be outrageous! Sorry about all the drool on my keyboard- you don't get to see these Stingrays too often.
  18. Thanks to everyone that looked at and or bid on our Full Moon Auction. We'll be shipping some marbles this morning. We had a ball, Lloyd & Chris
  19. Thanks to everyone for the interest. These marbles close tonight. There are still good deals available. http://www.ebay.com/sch/legendarymarbles/m.html?_trksid=p4340.l2562 Good luck to all in the bidding.
  20. Hey Steph ! Thanks for two good toons in a row. You look especially good in that second video.
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