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Everything posted by Hipocritter

  1. Thanks for all the interest in my Popeye Box. It closes tonight. Good Luck to everyone in the Bidding. .
  2. Thanks for the pictures. The car on the right- a Mercedes Benz 170 is like one I owned in the early '60's. It was a super car, but it stood out a little too much for a youngster. My next car was an American made machine. And Winnie, Those toys on the shelves at the 1950 toy fair made me drool. The guy staring through the shelves has that 'Gotta Have It' look on his face. .
  3. Good Ol' Tom Turkeys. Too tough to eat.
  4. No, I never met Norman himself. A priest was handling the transaction for him. He called to ask if I would appraise some of Norman's marble collection. I told him some ball park prices over the phone. He could hardly believe toy marbles were worth so much. I have owned this Popeye Box for over 25 years. It is as striking now as when I got it in the mail. .
  5. The POPEYE BOOSTER CLUB MEMBERSHIP CARD was specific to the Empress Theatre. The membership was for the season of 1936- 37. .
  6. Yep, I have my Popeye Box listed on eBay now- http://www.ebay.com/itm/Best-AKRO-AGATE-POPEYE-MARBLE-BOX-15-MINT-ORIGINAL-POPEYES-BAG-MEMBER-CARD-/111511096654?pt=Marbles&hash=item19f6944d4e " I YAM A MARBLE SHOOTER, ARF ! " The new owner will be one lucky customer ! .
  7. Thanks Ric, We love it here along the Delaware River. This is our front yard view- downstream. Living here is a trade-off. It is not for everybody. Here is the center of town. This paradise is 20 miles from an actual super market. .
  8. Today was Election Day. I hope everyone had a chance to vote. Voting in the country has a small town feeling Here's our local Polling Place, the Galilee Grange Hall. This is where we get to see other neighbors from around the Township. .
  9. hey heidi, you're looking pretty nice yourself. those eyes, yep, they're hot ! your friend, fritz
  10. Heck, that little wuzzy is safe today. I'm a little pooped after yesterdays celebration.
  11. Aha ! D'ohs are just what I've been looking for........... ! .
  12. Happy Birthday Fritz! Fritzy will be celebrating his fifth birthday today. He's come a long ways in a short time. .
  13. That guy is on the hat of my Halloween costume- I think it was originally from a Shriners Convention.
  14. It looks like the first two months of Halloween are just about in the books. Still have most of November to go........
  15. Both males & females of the Great Blue look the same. They have the same coloring and feather arraignment. The males are a little taller. I guess you'd have to lift up the skirt to know for sure if it was a hen or rooster. How about 'Harry the Heron' as a name for this handsome character.
  16. wOw ! Yet another magnificent picture of your Great Blue Heron. Do you have a name for it ?
  17. This big leaf is from a Sycamore we planted 10 years ago. The twig was about 10" long when it was started. The tree is about 20 feet tall now.
  18. Marbelous Fall Picture Bob. Those big Sycamores are one of my favorite trees.
  19. The gray one looks like stone. The flat spots would be the sides of the cube of stone that was supposed to be round after grinding.
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