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Everything posted by Caterpillar

  1. A few minutes ago, I gave some Caterpillars a wipe-down. The difference is less noticeable than with the Panda 2s. The shooters from the green sack... And the sacks I keep the players in. I should find a good spot to practice shooting.
  2. It must have been a trick of the lighting that had me seeing yellow and brown.
  3. Assuming all the marbles in the photo are offered at €4, I'd take a chance on them. Hope you're able to make the purchase!
  4. I'm not really seeing Jabo there. But as always, seek out other (more experienced) opinions.
  5. Hopefully those cracks can be spun out. But I don't think they detract significantly; I'd put that one on display. Nice work, as always!
  6. It could be a Vacor Rooster. But there are spots that look brownish and cream yellow; I don't think I've seen either on a Rooster. I'm thinking it's not a Vacor, though you'll want an expert opinion.
  7. Over $700 per marble? That's nowhere near what I'd give. And I love the confidence-inspiring name they chose for their store: Ye Olde Crappe Shoppe.
  8. I gave this Panda 2 player a wipe-down. I don't think it makes much difference on the smaller mibs, and I think I prefer the "speckled" look anyway. And the shooters from the purple sack were photographed on a gray background (per a suggestion Steph made). The Panda 2 shooter also got a wipe-down.
  9. I can't be of any help with the ID, but something has me curious. In the third photo, it looks out of round. Is that one of the irregularities you mentioned, or a trick of the lighting?
  10. I'd never heard "Spacebook" or "Suckerberg" before. Good ones! I kicked Flakebook to the curb in 2016, after a few years of never using it. I don't miss it in the least.
  11. Another view of the jar. I liked the effect the light has on the Owl shooter and the Peacock underneath it. I will hopefully get to spiffing up the matte shooters soon.
  12. I would agree with Jabo...but seek out other opinions.
  13. Best I can tell, it's a Rumba. Cool find!
  14. Caterpillar


    X4. Chad G's Vacor ID album is a source I refer to quite frequently.
  15. I've yet to see one (I don't use cash much anymore). But I used to save bicentennial quarters and wheat pennies. I found some steel pennies in my basement a while back.
  16. Agreed 100%. If you like them, and the price is right, then by all means add them to your collection!
  17. I'll give that a try with the display shooters. Thanks!
  18. I leave it on, simply because I'm unsure how to safely remove it.
  19. The big Scorpion is too cool. I see at least a Half Pound of Rounds in my future! And here are all four of my matte shooters. Those on top might see a game, but those on bottom will not. These are Caterpillar and Panda 2, of course.
  20. What year? I'm partial to the E36 (for those not familiar with BMW model codes, 1992-1999 in the US), but it would have to be a third or fourth vehicle...and forget driving it much in winter.
  21. My thoughts exactly. I don't think I've ever noticed a fold or crease line on my one Jabo...maybe we need to look at 'em under magnification, or step up the magnification level? I'll have to give mine an inspection, looking for those hit marks. I can say for sure that a little sliver of it came off.
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