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Everything posted by onemorepatty

  1. I have wicked sense of humor, does that count?
  2. Oh...a Tulip Tree, thank you Galen, you gave me back a childhood memory, and I had to smile. I love it, love it, love it!
  3. Oh, I'm loving this...I know I have some of these:) Thanks guys.
  4. I'm so jealous Galen. They are saying that there is a good chance we are gonna get about 2 feet of snow this weekend. It might blow over but I was reading the farmers almanac and it says we should have at least 4 good snows back to back and then it will be over....please, no, pretty please let it be over soon. Sue, I have no problem sharing the white stuff with you at all. Honest you can have all you want. It's bad enough being snowed in. It's bad enough being snowed in alone. But it was horrible being snowed in with no internet and no phone. I find I am a very boring person. Galen I now have your 1st. photo as my desktop background...I hope you don't mind, you didn't answer when I asked to steal it so I did:) I really like it.I can't wait to get outside and play in the dirt...I really, really need the smell of fresh cut grass right about now, it would be so good to just sit on the porch in the morning and drink coffee and watch the world wake up. On the brighter side, if it snows like they say it's going to maybe it will give me the chance to unpack my marbles and get them put where I want them....who knows what I will rediscover:) Hope everyone is staying warm & happy. Me
  5. Oh yes...yes I did. I feels so good! I'm now doing my happy dance:)
  6. Okay...I did it. I just beat down that snowman in my neighbors yard. I couldn't take that thing smiling at me anymore. It's been staring at me for days now.It's all your fault Galen. I was okay until I saw the sun. Ric? Mean is not the word I'd choose right now. I stomped that snow creature pretty hard. I think my neighbors are afraid of me. I really can't take much more of this...
  7. May I steal this please? I need it bad. HUGE SIGH....it is still snowing. Again. Me
  8. Aww! I hope you had an awesome day! To you my friend: I hope it brings a smile to your face:) Me
  9. Sigh....it's snowing. Again. Enough said. Me
  10. Mea Culpa, I shall stop complaining right now, it isn't that bad here really, not compared to you. But you gotta admit it is beautiful. I have a Red Bird thatcomes to my yard and sits on my fence, he is beautiful to watch in the falling snow.
  11. Can't speak for Canton but I think I can hear the snow melting as I type, I've heard the highways are all good. I'm in Dayton, friends in Wilmington and Cincy all say they are great. I think it's only the back roads that are still bad, I'm thinking the white stuff is over at least for a little while:)
  12. I'm so sorry, I forgot that my Daughter set it up for me try [email protected] or go by my name Patricia Bragg which ever you find easiest Right now, for facebook is the bomb, I've been having FUN!
  13. Wow, I love it. Thank you Steph p.s. I'm on facebook too and for what it's worth I have found it's easier to find people via their e-mails than names. You can find me using [email protected] Goodnight everybody, sweet dreams
  14. I kinda wanted the Saints to win, but only because they survived the all the water. I guess that shows how much I know about football but I'm learning as fast as my 9 year old nephew can teach me LMAO Best part of the night was Lillie dancing to the WHO, turned the lights out and it was FANTASTIC, that baby can dance
  15. Or here if you REALLY want a good laugh, try this one, play close attention to the side effects at the end. I've seen myself there, I ashamed to say on more than one occasion:)
  16. Too funny, thanks for the laugh! I love those baby commercials did you see the Doritos one? I laughed so hard, truly, it reminded meof my daughter when she was little. Here: just in case you haven't seen it: http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/doritos-superbowl-commercial-keep-your-hands-off-my-mama-and-doritos/541A1FA8729291AA8A31541A1FA8729291AA8A31
  17. Hey,hey my Pizza Man! What's shaking? Been a long time my friend. Hi Scoop, and everybody else too, this is just too cool to be back on here, I'm drooling over all the photo's. Keep em coming please...never forget how many lurkers are out here:)
  18. OMG Michael...I look forward to talking with you, I hate it when my toes get cold, it makes me cold all over and yes I not only have socks on I'm wearing 2 pairs. I can't take it, I am honestly feeling the need for the smell of fresh cut grass. The birds aren't even singing today, brrr!
  19. Thank you, it's nice to be back. I'll be sure and tell Emmie you said hello, she'll be tickled. I'm a Grandma now and loving it! I';ll let Em fill in the blanks...right now I am heading back under my blankets....geesh! it's flipping COLD!!
  20. "A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left."

  21. Just wanted to pop in here and say Hello, not sure if anyone remembers me but I used to come in here a lot to try and learn about my marbles:) I've been gone for a long time and hopefully I'm back to sit and drool over all the beautiful photo's and collections. I hope everybody's world is still round. Patty
  22. Very, very nice Spara....I've been working hard at seperating mine into colors. Do you know if there is a special combination color that is the hardest to find? Thanks for sharing!! Patty
  23. Cool beanos mannos! Thank you so much...I really like these and now I know for sure what they are! Patty
  24. WOW!! Thank you so much!!! I'm on it...do you have anything else like that you feel like sharing???? Patty
  25. Thanks guys...I'm trying to get some more photo's. My Dad is having a bad day so it may take me a while, please don't give up on me, I so appreciate everything you tell me. I have a few that have what I think are "pointed" pontils but I honestly don't know. 2 I think are unusual marbles to say the least....I'll do my very best to get some good pics on here ASAP Thanks, Patty
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