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Everything posted by mordiskul

  1. I would say very copperhead like pics taken by charles MORE_MARBLES-FOR-ME.


  2. I would say very copperhead like pics taken by charles MORE_MARBLES-FOR-ME.


  3. A great loss to marbles and the World ....sorry bro. Dustin.
  4. Check this one out ....one of the bst on now ...and mine ...just plugging sorry if its wrong MODS TAKE DOWN IF OUT OF LINE ...Im out laters STUNNER
  5. I just posted a awsome vit conconger lol on the bay double V check it out STUNNER
  6. Yup cant wait going dump digging this after noon ...in a dump ive found countless marbs and old bottles in ...my fave time of the year ...nothing better then digging up bot's and marbs fo free with some friends not to mention they arrowheads:).
  7. I have some ill post later just wondering who-else has a love for these Shooters Dustin.
  9. Nice bag of pelts on ebay priced to sell champs bag MODS PLEZ MOVE IF THIS DOES NOT BELONG HERE.
  10. I just got a handfull nice colors but i would say not there best but thats just Mho .....Galen does have a small point tho ive been collecting on and off for 28 years and have been fooled by some on ebay one-time ..when i got back into marbs after a year off i dint event know they made jabos lol ...needless to say i paid $500.00 for what i was thinking were cac swirls lmao the joke was on me oh well " Marble on " Dustin.
  11. Great learning tool for those who have very few cacs ....In hand i bet they just pop. Dustin.
  12. How high will they go? I like the big yellow-red stripe marb other then that nada for me ...I'll just put it out there most of us on the borad can make about 20 plus groups like this <<<just plain sad>>> but ive stopped feeling sorry for them if they get burn't ..Been there done that it sucks but oh well i got taught a lesson.
  13. Ok , its not mosonic sorry , Delbert relax and have a coke and a smile ...selling it one more time with no res. $15.00 who know someone my get a bargin. Dustin.
  14. Machine ground Mike , sorry i had a fuzzy moment lol. Dustin.
  15. Thanx for all the good re. all , Mike I'll be real im not sure if its machine worked or hand , Every agate ive got in the past has been traded or sold fast i never put much study into it ...if someone could show an example im always happy to get schooled. Dustin.
  16. I put this in the main area since i dont know if everyone has got a chance to see this one ...5 3/4 ins. in length and 2 1/2ins. in width ...i have looked over and over and have never seen one like it , i must say event looking at my own pic its one of the best vintage agates ive ever seen in 18+ years of collecting . Its wild how the bowling ball in the middel slides up-down beteewn the 2 pins ...im not sure but this maybe masonic also ..as for the shape the agate is in mint agate shape as most of us know what that means little natu. spots NO CHIPS ,FLEA BITES ,FLAKES NOTHING LIKE THAT. Yup its just super i love the thing but have to buy afew things around the house so ill b posting this and many more on EBAY in the comeing weeks , My user name on ebay is firewall.w . cheers Dustin.
  17. Pick these and about 400 more marbles at the local tradeing post.As u can see some com. marbs and some betters :happy-857: Many companies in this lot. Dustin.
  18. Wtf , if your going to do it hire a pro . Can't you do better man?
  19. Yeah shooters they look as if they are Paul bunyan/wv. but none jabo ....Cigarette cellophane pack i just haven't seen any others at all, soo? Dustin.
  20. What Galen said ....Akro error marble ( dug marble i would say ive seen more then afew , not 10,000's in that size tho nice marbs in hand just my op.)orange base with blue are very rare. Dustin.
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