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Really Great New European Marble Website! Check It Out

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Wow Jeroen, thanks for the promotion :)

I would have posted the link sooner or later here on the board too but I first wanted to translate some more parts in English. Well, it is out now and that's fine.

Please be welcome on my homepage. There is a part called "Sammler zeigen ihre schönsten Murmeln - collectors show their nicest marbles" where I would like to give every collector the opportunity to show his or her nicest marbles. Please send me some good pics of your nicest marbles, it can be just an ordinary marble which you like very much or a marble others would kill for. And no matter if you are a new or a long-time collector, everybody has the right to show his marbles there. If you want you can stay anonymous, but without telling me otherwise I will post your name, city and country together with your email-address above your marbles so you can come in contact with other collectors.

The site is still under construction, I will add more information and pictures daily and I will translate at least part of the information in English. But most of the information is from books anyway, so there are no big secrets.

There is a part with American machine made marbles. I do not collect these but I have downloaded a lot of pics from Alan Basinet's auctions just for my database. After he passed away - which motivated me to establish this site as a tribute to him - I asked his ex-wife Cheryl if she thinks it would be ok to use this pictures to display on the homepage. She said it is ok to use them, I think Alan would be pleased to know that many collectors can profit now from his work. If you have other pictures or additional information of American machine made marbles feel free to send them and I will post them too.

PLMK if you are happy or unhappy with something.

Thanks for your interest ! :)



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It sounds promising an European marble site.

It's a pity that so little is known about European or other continents (not America) machine made marbles.


Agree, but in this case looks to be a European collecctor with a lot of beautiful German hand mades purchased in US at top price and now looking for US machine mades. Not seeing any real interest or love of European marbles.
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@ Ziggyzora

I am not interested in US machine mades, not at all. I collect only handmades (antiques and contemporary). But the homepage is about all kind of glass made marbles and of course US machine mades (and other machine mades) need to have their place in that. It would be nice to have some more pictures and information about both US and non-US machine made marbles to add. And believe me, there IS interest in European marbles, my whole collection of antique marbles consist of European marbles, although it is correct that I bought a lot of them in the US. But I would love to get more information about European machine made marbles too and if it's only to recognize them on flea-markets and antique shops.



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I would love to get more information about European machine made marbles too and if it's only to recognize them on flea-markets and antique shops.



Very glad that you are welcoming European machine mades. From what I have seen there are no books or websites as yet, that show the full glory of European swirls. I have no info on them, can only guess from findings. Here is a couple of my faves. No doubt other folk here are collecting them too.




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Thanks for the pictures. Very interesting marbles, havn't seen any like that. Would you mind if I post these pictures on my website ? As I said I would like to gather as much information and pictures of marbles and post it there so other collectors have a source for research. Books are nice but the advantage of a homepage is that you can always change things, so I would really collect all kind of information and pictures there, a kind of "Wikipedia" for glass marbles.

From what period do you think these marbles are ? Before World War II or after ? Do you think they are from UK ? Probably yes, as I havn't seen any of these in Switzerland and Germany.

PLMK or if somebody else has any informations, please jump in.



@ ALL: it would be nice to get pictures of your favourite marbles of your collections to post on the website !!!

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About the Euro swirls,they are from the 50s and possible made in Amsterdam-Netherland.

I live in Amsterdam and found them occasionally here.There was a marble factory here.

Besides the Euro swirls,there are made nice patches in Asian--Beautiful sparkler types made in Germany and/or France--

2 seam slags made in Germany---2 seam striped opaques and transparant made in Germany---and hand-gathered slags in Germany.

Germany has made probably cat's eyes aswell.

And than i found here a lot of nice transparant swirls which are not made in America and are still a mystery for me.I think there are much more that i forget about.

Here are some more Euro swirls.






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Being made in Amsterdam seems much more logical than thinking they were being made in East Germany in the 50s when the East Germans were struggling to even get enough food to eat, let alone waste precious gas fueling furnaces to make toy marbles. And we have seen the proof that marbles were made in Amsterdam during that time.

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Nice swirls Winnie! Swissmarble you are welcome to use my pics. I can take more or retake in a better way if required. As mentioned above I have no info on them. They are found occaisionally in England but not made here. Most that I find have purple and range from 11/16th to 1 1/8th. Maybe if you added some on your site, there will be more people from Europe looking and more info could be gathered.

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@ Winnie, nice marbles, thanks for the pics. May I upload these with your info on my homepage please ?

@ Zyggyzora thank you, I will upload your pics, perhaps some other collectors from Europe will show up sooner or later. Would be very nice, there seem to be just a few around :(



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@Winnie and Ziggyzora

I posted your pics now, thank you very much. If you have time, please send me some pictures of your favourites marbles. As you can see on my homepage I would like to show marbles from as many different collectors as possible. It would be really nice if you participate, :) so their would be some collections from Europe at the beginning and hopefully some collectors from the USA and other parts of the world would jump in and send pictures too.

@everyone: Pictures can be emailed to: ronbuol@hotmail.com (and please let me know if you want to stay anonymous or if I shall mention your name, town and email-address




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  • 2 weeks later...

SEHR GUUT! I am thrilled about your website! There are literally thousands of European marbles (early machine mades) that fully deserve recognition as unique objects of art, many as equally as rare (if not more!) than some of the American machine mades. I dont understand why many Americans aren't interested in these as much though. maybe lack of knowledge (or mine).. ...Iam curious as to more info on marble manfacturers throughout Europe...maybe I havent looked hard enough ,

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