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Marbles On The Bay

Gnome Punter

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I listed several marbles. I was near asleep so ignore the one marked as an Imperial that should be a carnelian. I went to edit it and a guy already bid on it . I also double listed a purple transitional instead of listing a 2nd red as well. We had felled 5 trees and had to chop them all up and by the time i went to list my hands were killing me and I was falling asleep at the key board


The CHerryades I listed, could someone tell me if they ARE cherryades ?

I was perplexed to say the least. I listed them as Carnelians then a friend said they felt they were ades, then neither of us could remember what ade glowed and what did not and if Carnelians were supposed to glow or they were not carnelians....


Also I wanted some input on the Akro with the big swatch of AV. I have not seen that much AV in an Akro patch before and I am assuming it was a dug marble based on that, any clarity would be appreciated


Have a sunburst that just baffled me. I was sure it was a sunburst till that other thread now I still think it is,but not 100% sure. It has 2 colors, not many....and I still think it is a sunburst,but I listed it could be either and would rather someone confirm my view so I can remove the additional information so as not to confuse a newer collector


The one listed as Vitro agate trilite oddity, i am still a bit off as I feel it is not a trilite but something else

and finally

has anyone have the issue where you go click on list a similar and it has the price of the previously listed marble and you go to change it and it changes back,over and over and over and over and over......It was driving me mad. I had to list, then go back and revise. It was the only way I could get the price to change...if so, did you find a fix ? it's like I am having to list everything twice just to get the price right. I began, at a point, of just letting crap list at 5.90 and not caring any more.

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Well, I had too many windows open while I was responding to the listing titled "Master ?Akro? Sparkler? Sunburst ...M- 45/64". http://www.ebay.com/itm/231334486714

It seems possible that it's Akro. I wouldn't call it a sparkler though.

Some signs point to Master but there is an Akro family of yellow patches with a little white. Is the base glass green-tinted or is that a trick of the lighting? Maybe someone else can readily ID it.

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Well, I had too many windows open while I was responding to the listing titled "Master ?Akro? Sparkler? Sunburst ...M- 45/64". http://www.ebay.com/itm/231334486714

It seems possible that it's Akro. I wouldn't call it a sparkler though.

Some signs point to Master but there is an Akro family of yellow patches with a little white. Is the base glass green-tinted or is that a trick of the lighting? Maybe someone else can readily ID it.

See,that is where I am

It has characteristics of both :)

It's a yellow hue which may be from the other glass. It is clear

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Galen has posted a pic of a jar of yellow Akro patches. That might be interesting to look at again now.

I'd try to pull it up for you, but I think I lost a lot of pictures while preparing for my last computer reformat. I'll have to try to find my last backup.

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Galen has posted a pic of a jar of yellow Akro patches. That might be interesting to look at again now.

I'd try to pull it up for you, but I think I lost a lot of pictures while preparing for my last computer reformat. I'll have to try to find my last backup.

maybe he will chime in

I am more and more convinced it is Akro than master.

Now can an ade or carnelian NOT react to UV ?

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I think not all "ades" react to UV.

Not sure though.

I stubbornly call them Moss Agates, which covers both glowers and non-glowers, so I keep not learning all the different collectors' distinctions, even though I sort of think I'd like to know the current names.

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Another baffling issue is why is this one sitting at 10.00


Yah, I know, I added a G instead of an E in the title.

That was the 1st patch I had ever seen with so much AV in it. Most had specks

I figure it has to be 1 of a kind with my limited marble exposure. The high bidder is one of my regular buyers and he scoffed that it would sell for nothing compared to a purple popeye where as the patch would be rarer than any bag full of popeyes.

I know, people love popeyes, but still, it's almost shameful it is sitting there at a nothing price with only 2 watchers. If it were not one of my regular buyers I would have already cancelled it and tossed it back in the jar.

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