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Found A Few Pelts

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Heres a few Pelts I recently purchased, Im unfamiliar with the green base yellow and black with a touch of AV along the left side I think you can see it in the photo. I'm off to work and will check back this evening. DB.

hmmmmm .... 2nd. pic .. bottom left ... is that a .. :icon_popcorn: ... hmmm ... show me more sides daaaaave .... :rolleyes:

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State Line :lol::lol::lol: Nice!! Bill sent 10 angles your way check your email. Looking foward to seeing you in Des Moines Gallen, if you have any worthy Alleys left Bring em,wont be there till thursday noonish though, also need a 5/8ths + to 11/16ths black base with yellow swirl cac to complete a small box set if you might have an extra.something along these lines, I can get one up North of me but driving 100 miles round trip for 1 marble doesnt thrill me much. DB.


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got plenty of black and yellows. they will be with me. still have a few nicer Alleys ,I shall bring them also.. Its going to be nice seeing some of the folks I haven't gotten to see in a while and those I have never met face to face. Here is what I still need . Can't find any email. Tell Bill to use Galenww at gmail.com


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