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Peltier Second Run


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The First Run and Second Run marbles were made at Peltier Glass Company in 2002. They were about 5/8" in size. There is more information on them on page four of Steph's Study Hall, under "Links: Peltier", in the topic "Peltier First And Second Runs? This is new to me", and more info if you scroll way down to "Pelts, 1st & 2nd runs" and right below that to "First Run Pelts". They were the last marbles made at Peltier, not part of the Mansion Run made at Jabo in 2008.

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Thanks guys. Sorry for being lazy before I asked.

I was mostly interested in size and didn't think I would find that, so I tossed the rest of the questions up there as an afterthought.

Here's a first run pic from one of the threads Mike mentioned:


In one of the other threads, Rick mentions shooter size marbles in his first run set but says they could just be fillers -- bananas -- not filamented.

So ... about 2000 marbles in the first run and about 5000 marbles in the second run?

So, there aren't many available to find "in the wild".

(I saw a large-sized marble somewhere which made me think of these 1st and 2nd runs ... but I didn't know if it was worth mentioning these runs as a possibility ... afraid to confuse the matter. And now I see odds would suggest that was a good decision.)

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As far as I know, there were about 2000 of the First Run, and possibly 5000 of the Second Run, but I may be wrong on the 5000 figure, due to bad brains. There were no larger size marbles made of either run, to my knowledge.

Thank you, Al and Stephanie for the pictures. The boxes for the Second Run marbles with the Indian were made by Gino Biffany and his good marble buddy Al Faull. I made the boxes with the buffalo.


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