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Newbie learning about marble bags

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I'm a newcomer to marble collecting and my knowledge is very limited. Marbles in my youth (70's UK) were pretty much always Chinese made cat's-eyes.

I soon realised that the shipping costs from the US to the UK for a single marble weren't significantly different to shipping a packet. Then the doubts started...

Some of the packets sold on ebay didn't look right even to my untrained eyes, and other members confirmed it. The more I looked, the more I realised there were more bags of marbles that didn't look right than did. Whilst I'm sure many of them are sold in good faith by people who've picked them up somewhere not realising the bags are fakes, fantasy or more kindly reproductions possibly some are sold to deceive. I won't make that judgement call, just whether what is listed is what it purports to be.

Hopefully this thread will be useful or at least an interesting perspective to other newcomers. 

Please do chip in with thoughts. 

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My first purchase, and one I was fairly happy with (Al kindly confirmed I made the right call).

My gut impression is there are less faked Vitro bags (or at least more genuine ones available) than with many brands.


I don't know much about marbles but oddly I know a little bit about plastic bags and a folded seam on the rear of a bag is a good (but not infallible) indicator of an older bag (most modern ones are sealed along the edges).

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One that didn't look right (and again kindly confirmed as 'fantasy')


The tear off perforations on the bag suggest a fairly modern bag. The graphics are reasonably convincing, but I've had it confirmed that along with the Navy and Air Force these are someone's 'fantasy' and never existed.

Were Alox Agates ever sold in poly bags? I'd be interested in seeing a photo of a genuine one.

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I didn't need any help with identifying this one as pure fantasy - I suspect the marbles are modern Chinese - they look pretty much like the standard marbles you pick up in UK toyshops today:


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You're definitely on track.  I'm not totally sure about which decade that Vitro header is from either.  I would also have late 50's or somewhere in the 60's as my guess but maybe I could/should do a little more digging and I could pin it down.  I very much like the Aqua Jewels bag.  


You're right about the Army, Navy, Air Force Alox bags being wrong!   And about the "RIO Theatre" bag having modern Asian cat's eyes in it.

However, yes, Alox did have poly bags.  

(Bigger versions of the next two here: http://marbleconnection.com/topic/6691-mostly-pix-alox-agates)


th_Alox0004_zpsn5jtqay8.jpg  th_Alox0010_zpsftrrj5vu.jpg



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One of the things I've learned with poly bags is to look to the seams on the back. There had better be a seam, as the bags were made from flat stock. Modern bags are made from tube stock



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4 hours ago, Steph said:

I never quite understood about the back seam -- like how it was made or why we don't have it now.  Now it clicks.  Thank you, Jerry.

Tube bags weren't invented until the mid 50's and took a few years to get used commercially. Tube bags on a roll (with tear off perforations) weren't invented until 1957ish and again it took a while before they were really used. Al Oregon did let me know he's seen vintage bags made without seams. I wouldn't write off a bag without the back seam if it appeared to be mid 60's but with 50's bags a lack of seam or a visible tear off line are big red flags. 

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I'm seeing a lot of Champion bags where the card header looks good but the bags don't, although I don't know how long that header style was used for.

Am I right to be wary of these?:




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Champion bags are VERY tricky.

Those do not look like Champion marbles to me from what I can make out.

I don't remember the details of the story but someone got hold of a lot of Champion packaging and a lot of Champion marbles.  And so someone other than the factory backfilled a lot of Champion bags.  Sometimes it's Champion marbles in the bags.  Sometimes it's some other maker in the bags. 

Check out the bag and the description in this post:  http://marbleconnection.com/topic/6731-mostly-pix-champion-agates/?do=findComment&comment=86688

That's a neat sample -- really nice marbles.  They weren't supposed to be in that particular bag but they were very cool.  

Usually you won't get so lucky with the misbagged marbles, so it's good to be cautious with Champion headers.




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Yes, I think so.  As in pretty darn sure on the Vitros and I think so on the Heaton.  .... and pretty cool.  Heaton isn't something people usually go for out of the chute, so you're starting off on an interesting path.  Well done.  

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2 hours ago, Steph said:

Yes, I think so.  As in pretty darn sure on the Vitros and I think so on the Heaton.  .... and pretty cool.  Heaton isn't something people usually go for out of the chute, so you're starting off on an interesting path.  Well done.  

It's mainly a case of what's available at a reasonable price that looks interesting at the moment. I'm not interested in how rare they are or whether they're popular with other collectors at the moment. I'm sure at some point I'll be looking more at individual marbles but the shipping system (particularly where sellers use eBay's global shipping programme which doesn't allow combined postage) makes buying individual marbles a costly investment  - essentially it's around 22-25 USD shipping for an average bag or 19 USD for a single marble... I've looked at some of the mixed lots but I'm not experienced enough to tell from a photo how much they're padded with modern marbles.

The Heaton's looked interesting - and hopefully I'll be able to clearly see the difference between them and the Vitro Cats eyes. I'm not sure I stand much hope of ever telling the West Virginia swirls apart...

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8 hours ago, Al Oregon said:

Yes, both the Heaton and  Vitro were legit.

Thanks. I'm getting a better eye. The non-manufacturer bags seem hardest. 

This sort of single colour marbles that tie into a product's colours are so unconvincing I'm not sure they were even designed to fool:



Some of the Mr Peanut bags look plausible at first glance.

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They just "pushed" them out in bulk like the ones you show above.  There are some sketchy Mr. Peanuts bags.  If they are Alley swirls, very good likelihood of being legit.  If they are older MK's with a BB or CS, same answer.  If they have "Play the Game, Be Fair...." on the reverse, they are most likely legit.  If they have "Play the Square...", that's where you have to look at the marbles and for the seam on the bag - that's where there may be some fakes.

Marble Flyer - Fakes 2.jpg

Marble Flyer - Fakes 1.jpg

Amana - Des Moines Marble Show Article (9-25-13).doc

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