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Opening a bag of Peltiers

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I've been very good and have kept the sealed bags I've bought sealed, but of the three Champion Jr bags that arrived only one had a complete label, and one was completely missing so I decided to open the unlabeled one and thought some people might be at least semi-interested in the content.

champion jr pelt.jpg

Three cyan/light blue on off white rainbos:

cyan on white.jpg

Two egg yolk on white:

eggyolk on white.jpg


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37 minutes ago, Shellkat said:

Oooh. I like that one best. And would the light blue ones be called "baseballs?"

I'm not sure whether the pattern matches baseball stitching enough to be a true 'baseball'  but then I'm based in the UK and baseball's a game played in countries that can't understand the rules of cricket ;)

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1 hour ago, Steph said:

They're certainly baseball-esq :) I get the impression the definitions are a bit vague and not necessarily universally agreed  - it's a nickname rather than a manufacturer name?

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I'm glad Richard broke his streak of being 'good'.
These are some great photos of really good-looking marbles!
What's particularly impressive to me about the pictures is that they combine
the best parts of a usable ID photo with the obvious signs of someone who
has artistic 'vision' and essentially 'can't help' having this come through in
his shots, even when he's not trying to be especially outrageous.
This is a great combination, which is both useful and enjoyable to a large
percentage of our friends here.  As many people know, I like to do 'concept'
shots a good part of the time, and this can be a good thing in itself, but then
I often forget to add some decent ID photos.  So I wind up letting down those
people who want to get a good technical close-up 'look' at the marble(s).
I apologize for this, and will continue to try to do better.  :blush:

In the meantime, here's one of my favorite old shots which is obviously
lacking on the one side, but I like to think is pretty darned good on the other.  ( :


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Thank you for the kind words - I'v been an amateur photographer for many years and I have to say that getting decent shots of marbles is probably about the hardest thing I've found. Wildflowers on a windy day are a breeze compared to these things :)

Nice shot - so are you saying they're a bit baseball? :P

I can imagine arguments in long ago playgrounds as to whether their Pelt looked enough like a baseball or not :)

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In my opinion Baseballs should have a white base with thin ribbons and little or no thinning of the color. Thanks for sharing I'm always interested in seeing high quality pics of nice minty Rainbos.

baseballs 004.JPG

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