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Marble addict intervention


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About two months ago a coworker noticed that I was on ebay looking at marbles again. She said "I think we need an intervention!" I knew she was just kidding but I decided to take a break just for the heck of it. I haven't bought a single marble in six weeks. I'm on my way home Sunday and I'm planning on making up for lost time. Lol. its springtime in Montana and lots of marbles to sniff out.


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I made it to an antique store today.

No marbles but at least I got out and did some hunting.  A step in the right direction.


Also bought two tomato seedlings, from a Future Farmer's service project.  So my garden is officially started.

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18 hours ago, godown said:

Good luck with the hunt i think 6 weeks off marbles proves you don't have a problem and entitles you to let your hair down and go wild :D

Nah!  It's dangerously easy to O.D. after coming clean, since you've lost your tolerance to the stuff.

Better to go slow and give us details of what you left on the table.

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Lol, nothing left on the table, when I quit I stayed away from all my addicted friends, dealers and even commercial outlets. I even left my black light at home and didn't bring one single ounce of marbles with me.  :rimshot:

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