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New collectors beware

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Hi All;

I would like to take a few minutes to pass on a few word of caution to some of the new collectors. I have contracted Alleyitis, it's not uncommon to catch it while visiting this site. The symptoms are loss of sleep, inability to concentrate on your work, impulse buying, ebay addition, inability to heed warnings from spouse. It can lead to gambling addiction pertinent to lot buying of marbles and can cause a rare mental condition where all marbles appear to be Allies.

No cure has been found to date!


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14 minutes ago, winnie said:

Hopefully it is not contagious,wish you better.

Hi Winnie

It is very contagious, I got from looking a jeeperman's pictures. Hehe

Hope your doing well Winnie! Good to hear from you!


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Welcome to the Danger Zone! Yes I went there,  {sorry for the movie reference}  supposedly they are starting to film top gun two this summer. Not likely to watch it myself. 

Anyway, Bud, it is a lost cause. It just continues to evolve. Good luck my doomed friend good luck. =}

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