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Thought I'd share my recent purchase.  I have been searching and learning about marbles but I would like to have these identified. Moving left to right, the sizes are as follows in inches: .64, .64, .61, .97 and .86 if that helps.  Thanks in advance for sharing your expertise.  






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Hi.  Possibly Vitro on the far right.

Maybe Master in the middle, or a modern one with the Master-like cutlines.   

Now I see that #2 has similar cutlines.  So Master if vintage or if modern those colors could mean Vacor Sunset.

I think Jabo on the left and on the big yellow one.


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Steph at the risk of being wrong (won't be the last or the first) I will venture into saying the first one is not Jabo. The larger one perhaps, I have an issue with the mirror like surface on the last picture. I would say Vacor. BTW HAPPY 4th of July!!!

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My first thought on the first one was Vacor, but then I decided it looked like a Jabo sweet peas.  I should have checked out the Vacor page to see if my first hunch was right.

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