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These are some of the best coats I ever owned, many w/ aventurine. Many @ near or over 1".  Again these pic's taken by my friend Terry. It's long I know I had trouble restraining myself, these are my favorite type of hand made marbles bar none.


Another nearly 2/3rds covered with AV. the most I have ever seen on a coat, size is .78" getting real hard to find the 1' not beat to smithereens.


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This about half Bruce, 99% went w/ my divorce in 09. Catchup is sure takin a long time, I only find 2 or 3 nice big coats a year now. The price of the 1" and over has gone beyond my mean's. I did get a small percentage of some nicer one's back in the year's since, probably about 1/4th of what I had as far as coat's go. The bigger hand mades I have more of. " Thanks for the compliment Bruce"

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