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So mutch going on in this marble 

Its mint , no chips , just real fine on the outside 

Made more then one picture and made 2 collages , twisted it , turned it 

Sparkles , pearl color , blue ish , ovenbrick ? , the cat exploded , what happend 

200% production error but ... its beautifull haha  



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I'll go with annealing fractures.


My guess would be that it was a temperature issue.  Or maybe temperature combined with getting knocked around.   I wouldn't guess mismatched COE's because surely the company would have gotten those basically right before they did the run.  

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1 hour ago, akroorka said:

I have read tales of marbles breaking, splitting, cracking and just plain becoming a mess after they were collected and displayed.

Has anyone experienced this?


If a marble is not fully annealed, or if glass compatibility was an issue - then stresses in the glass can remain.  Those stresses may be minor - or a borderline problem.  For the latter case - it may just need a physical shock or temperature shock to push those stresses to the point where a fracture occurs.

I once had a newly-purchased 7/8" Akro Vaseline auger pop in half in my hand as I washed label adhesive off it with warm (not hot) water.  I've heard of mailed marbles fracturing when shipped in winter.

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