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Future of marble collecting?


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I sometimes wonder where marble collecting is headed. I have not been to the shows lately to get a feel for any newer generation of collectors.

I have no market evidence to support this but I think fancy handmades will continue to grow in value as wealthy antique collectors discover and covet them.

I think fewer new people will collect machine made simply due to the diminishing supply in the wild. I haven't found a true keeper marble in a year at least.

What do you think?


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Despite covid, the shows I've been fortunate enough to attend in 2021 and 2022 show renewal and even new interest in the hobby.  Much has to do with those who contribute many hours to the planning and marketing of the shows. 

IMO, demand for machine mades has not diminished by any means.  For example, Christensen, Akro and Peltier continue to be highly sought after and many yield super high prices.

I agree that finding in the wild is tougher than ever but one must remember that many killers are locked up in private collections.

What a hobby! 

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Not just the fancy hand-mades bumblebee. Any lot with any handmade on the ebay site commands pretty tough money for me to compete with.
I really think that Vacors are getting collected more and more. Cateyes are holding steady and are still affordable. Some cat bags are tuff to get a bid in on.
Right now Pokémon character marbles are getting some good money it could be a fad, but it has been going on for awhile.

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Yes, Vacors surprised me. I once got rid of many, many pounds of them...silly me.

I do enjoy the shows of course but to me it's always been the thrill of the chase, just like treasure hunting but with a bigger chance to make a score.

I have met a couple of collectors who seem to have no end of new scores. I call them marble whisperers.

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Bumblebee, a very good question on the future of marble collecting. We have the marble shows, the chat forums and other directions we can go to which enhances the hobby. We may know personally six collectors but there are 60 in the closet that keep private.  I LOVE doing the shows, seminars and lectures and try my best to (promote) the hobby to the younger ones. The key is getting the desire presented to them as a fun enjoyable hobby. My best thrill of the hobby is to see the young ones and GIVE them a big bag of marbles.  Chuck G---

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