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Names for Akro Agate tri color patch/agates?


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Thought this would be interesting.  Since Akro produced a plethora of these mibs in so many color combos, why have we as collectors not named them? Or have I completely missed it, (like the last decade)?  I mean their are names for so many different types of Rainbos and these tri colors can be quite beautiful. And some colors especially with oxblood can be hard to find. I pulled these from an original Akro tri color agate box, no doubt a few vitro or master made the way in. But beautiful. I can think of a few names already. Who’s in? Lol





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Well Akro75, 
There are a few named Akros but for me, just having an Akro is enough.
I would never be involved in trying to put a name to the very best machine made marbles ever produced. The Akro Agate company did this quite well.
They stand alone, on a mountain. To own one is the tops for me in marble collecting, no names needed. 
Akro Agate works just fine for me.
The nick-name “corkscrew” is one that will always be recognized by all collectors without question.
The collectors of other companies that have “named” marbles are just trying to keep up with the epitome of machine made marbles.
Well, did I stir something up? This might just turn out to be a great question/post.
Akro’s rule all others are wannabes.
Of course this is all in fun but you asked—your fault.

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Ha, love it. My initial thought always was to just go by what the companies/kids named them. However, it is quite fun when sorting to actually have a more detailed name. Their are different names of corks, oxbloods, etc……why no love  for the tri color patch? Thought it would be a bit of a fun post to see peoples thoughts…I for one love all the marbles of the world…ha 

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