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I know when I see an electric yellow CAC Slag---- it is enough for me.

The rest of the slags are all great,but the electric yellow CAC just blows my mind.

A thousand of them would not be enough, the best slag ever made IMHO.


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5 hours ago, dannyboy said:

This one may be your CAC. It appears to have a brighter green and very clear glass (compared to the others) with bright white glass stretched and swirled inside.


I agree follow the tail of the 9๏ธโƒฃ does it continue after the cut off even just a little ,if so slide it a little closer to the CAC side ๐Ÿ‘ Itโ€™s like a tug of war the mib is in the middle of the rope Akro on one side CAC on the other ,the side with more traits will win ๐Ÿ

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