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Asian cats eyes?


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3 hours ago, Melissa said:

Really?  I had no idea master even made cage-style cats eyes!  Thanks for the info!

3 hours ago, Steph said:

I am not aware of a Master cage style so I will go with Asian on the outside, Vitro in the middle. 

Not so much caged style as weird sunburst-y kinds of things with structures all over the place and really poor quality control.


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5 hours ago, Steph said:

I am not aware of a Master cage style

Master Cat's Eyes can show up in any fashion--they are just all over the place.

A cage style was not the intention( I can not really figure out the intention).

2 hours ago, Ric said:

poor quality control.

Yes Ric,
The quality was this--compete, compete, compete--with the asian influx of marbles that put a few USA marble companies out of business.
Master Glass did what they could and sadly went under. These were some of the last from them and you could tell from the quality that they were struggling.
This may be why I like them—you can still find a few bags here and there but the pickings are slim—I always like an under-dog.
This is just my humble opinion:white-flag-25:.

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