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Fake Crockery Marbles


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Here are some photos of what I believe to be fake/ counterfeit crockery marbles or "sharpie" marbles that someone local to me asked me to look at today. Please correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this is a large example of fakes and a good example of what to look out for. Especially if these were to ever end up on the market and passed off as authentic. I would love to hear other opinions. 





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The mouse is cute!  but yeah, fake.  

The sharpie marbles are made with used ball mill balls.   Very dense industrial spheres.  

I think these two were made differently by a different person than the sharpie marbles -- not just drawn on  -- but still modern. 


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I appreciate the confirmation. I was fairly certain they were and I told the seller they were as well. I provided them with example photos of known fakes and authentic marbles. They seem surprised but were receptive.  I just hope they don't get passed off as authentic to an unsuspecting buyer...

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