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Mib #10 Vacor! name/animal--?


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31 minutes ago, Ric said:

If not Mexican, I would guess Chinese. They sort of look like they could be really weird Vitro Yellow Jackets but no.

I got them from the Planetarium marble kiosk. They only sell mega-marble/glass firma marbles. They are from the "mixed assortment bag". They are Vacor lineage. They also have the orange peel textured surface. They even have that sprayed-on luster. Which type of marble is still up for grabs...

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24 minutes ago, treetiger said:

I got them from the Planetarium marble kiosk. They only sell mega-marble/glass firma marbles. They are from the "mixed assortment bag". They are Vacor lineage. They also have the orange peel textured surface. They even have that sprayed-on luster. Which type of marble is still up for grabs...

They definitely look Vacor to me - I thought you were questioning whether or not they were Vacor . . .

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11 minutes ago, Ric said:

They definitely look Vacor to me - I thought you were questioning whether or not they were Vacor . . .

Apologies. I'm just trying to figure out what 'name' that they have. If you or other Vacor gurus can help out- that would be great.

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9 hours ago, Ric said:

Similar, but maybe different, ones from China . . .



Yes Ric 

My guess is the same and asked some people also included Andy McLaughlin , "Kings" from china , no Vacor with this color combo 

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9 hours ago, akroorka said:

Nice Marbles!

I have seen such a thing before but not so big

No name from me either.

Whos knows how they fill the mixed nets, maybe with the ones made during siesta time💤.

Maybe @Mojo will chime in, he knows his Vacor pretty well.

Good luck and Marble--On!!

My guess after showing them to others also , "Kings" from China 

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14 hours ago, Mojo said:

My guess after showing them to others also , "Kings" from China 

I had a thought that maybe these are transitionals . Either tank wash types, or changing from one marble type to another. They definitely are mega-marbles that came in those marble mixed assortment packs/netted bags. Kind of like their 'Pound of marbles' where they take extras and throw them in net bags to sell.  I bought them from the Planetarium in S.L.C.; and they only sell Mega-marble brand. I hypothesize that the white was either 'tank wash' to clear out colored glass from the kiln, or they were switching marble types. If it was not for the white, these would be 'Dragons'. They have the classic orange peel surface texture, and that spray on luster. I think that assortment bags are ment to sell their marbles that don't quite fit their classic line of established types. Other companies kept them in boxes, or dumped them in pits to be dug up later by lucky marble hunters. Vacor/Glasfirma seems to have found a different way to get rid of wonky weird types by stuffing them in bags and selling them as a mix. That is my take on it.

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Okay-- So just for clarification, and knowledge acquisition-- you folks are saying that Glasfirma occasionally gets marbles from China -'Kings' and adds them to their assortment bags to fill them with what ever they don't have? If that is what they are doing then I'm cool with that. Just to clarify logic-- why would a marble company acquire marbles from China instead of just using their wonky extras? My marbles do bare a striking resemblance to Ric's picture for sure. But the orange peel  texture still hangs me up. Is this situation similar to the M.F.C./C.A.C. change over, or putting Alley marbles into other company's bags? Please help me figure it out and thanks for sticking with me in all of this.

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1 minute ago, treetiger said:

Okay-- So just for clarification, and knowledge acquisition-- you folks are saying that Glasfirma occasionally gets marbles from China -'Kings' and adds them to their assortment bags to fill them with what ever they don't have? If that is what they are doing then I'm cool with that. Just to clarify logic-- why would a marble company acquire marbles from China instead of just using their wonky extras? My marbles do bare a striking resemblance to Ric's picture for sure. But the orange peel  texture still hangs me up. Please help me figure it out and thanks for sticking with me in all of this.

I think that Glass Firma may produce marbles in several locations other than Mexico. It seems like I recall some facilities in SE Asia somewhere. As for the marbles I posted as "Chinese", I have to admit that I don't really know that for sure, all I really know is that I spotted them on Alibaba, and it wouldn't surprise me a bit if Alibaba sells wares from countries other than just China.

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One thing i know 

El aguila and vacor exported a lot to europe and i can imagine also to asia , they still do because vacor type marbles are found in Kim Play netbags nowadays , same marbles , different type of headercards and names , a lot of marbles that we thought were "asian" are now ID as El Aguila , the orange peel texture , thats a fact is present on the marbles we discuss now , the word is out and so i heard of other collectors that "King" type marbles have it also on their larger marbles , maybe these were made in mexico , not distributed in the US but only overseas and repacked , renamed by a header card , i find em here also in netbags with HOCA BALLS 

All export and sold under another name 

Same marbles 






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20 hours ago, Ric said:

I think that Glass Firma may produce marbles in several locations other than Mexico. It seems like I recall some facilities in SE Asia somewhere. As for the marbles I posted as "Chinese", I have to admit that I don't really know that for sure, all I really know is that I spotted them on Alibaba, and it wouldn't surprise me a bit if Alibaba sells wares from countries other than just China.

I'm glad that you posted those pictures. That is the first time that I have seen anything that resembles what I have. Also, I didn't know that glasfirma has several locations around the world. Good to know.

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17 hours ago, Mojo said:

More confusion......🍿






 Hey Mojo! That makes a lot of sense! And yes confusion! Black Panthers are now Shark toons!? I keep forgetting that companies are not obligated to do anything except to sell product. They can change headers, outsource their product to other countries for packaging, or do what ever to make a profit. Thank you for clearing things up, helping explain the logic; and yes, making things confusing...lol!

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2 hours ago, akroorka said:

Confusion is a great thing and you did well here my marble collecting friend. 
Thanks for what you contribute to all of us here in “TheMarbleConnection”.

Big hugs back at you too!...and may all your marbles be round, wet mint, and worth big bucks!

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