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"Welcome to Marble Connection Kiwi"    :wave2:

                                                     Foreign made IMO, I'd guess a manufacture but that's what it would be is a guess. 



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Vacor Blue Dolphin crossed my mind as well. However...



These Blue Dolphins all have some amount of white, as do the rest of my players. The date code on the players' header card is 7 July 2018. The few in my marble jar that I looked over also had white patches; their date is 25 January 2016. Additionally, the shooter measured out (imprecisely) at 25mm.

That said: does Kiwigal's marble have any white patches? If not, it's possible that Vacor changed the color composition of Blue Dolphins at some point. But I'm more inclined to say it's Asian. Of course, I'm far from expert, so take my opinion with a heaping helping of salt. 🙂

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1 hour ago, Caterpillar said:

so take my opinion with a heaping helping of salt. 🙂

All opinions are welcomed here--keep them coming, all of you!

I welcome them all, as all of us here on the "marbleconnection" do.

None of us here are beyond any learning----I learn everyday--love it!


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