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Boulder Size Popeye Patch?


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A very knowledgeable fella has told me that I have a Akro Popeye Patch marble. A VHTF marble. He specifically told me to be sure to listen it as VHTF whenever I list it. The base glass is clear and it has some uranium in the middle of it that shows whenever black lighting it 









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16 minutes ago, marblemanvintagemarbles said:

The base glass is clear

Convince me that the base is clear.

It looks black/brown from my point of view.

It may be an Akro--what size is it?

Yes, I see the eyelashes and the cutmarks----it does not always mean Akro though, it means worn shears cut-off marks (the yellow looks wrong)

It may also be a Vitro or even a Vacor given the background or base color imho.

I need better images to give any judgment here.

Nice marble regardless--a patch--not a Popeye Patch unless the brown is clear.

I appreciate all opinions and hope to see some more.

The Akro digs never seem to amaze me.


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In the first pic we can see the small Dull Cutter Eye Lashes. Starting at 8:00 they are white like Lashes on the base glass. As soon as the cutter pull hits the white at that same seam. It pulls it up and shreds that would white ribbon off at the seam. But the dull cutter pulls apart the would-be white ribbon and pulls that white up and the white turns into very fine Lashes. They then turn light blue and then they dive into the base glass. The Cutters weren't very dull. I think the base glass is blue.🔥


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The colors are right in your final image.
Is there any AV in the black?
This is a strange one for sure--I wish that I had it in hand.
More opinions are needed for sure.
Popeye??--maybe a cross-over, meaning one run that crossed into another run of another marble design.

Killer marble for sure.

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23 hours ago, akroorka said:

The Akro digs never seem to amaze me.


Here I go again--quoting myself.

It is not what we as collectors would call a "Popeye Patch".

I am leaning towards Akro here--from the "digs".

It looks half Vitro and half Akro--- a really weird one for sure. (really weird!)

This is my best based on the images posted.

I appreciate all opinions and hope to see some more---


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