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This is Fire Overload


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Holy Cr@p ! Apocalyptic Fires like I’ve never seen during my 28 years of service with the BLM. In 1981  I was 19 and went to NV to fight fires. Long Fire history short. A 8,000 to 10,000 acre fire in ‘81  in sagebrush over 24 hours time span was extreme at that time. Now? 4-6 hours consuming the same acreage and it’s January. There’s 10 inches of snow on the North and East side of the Gulf of Mexico. Seriously??? Snow in the French Quarter? “I’m Dreaming of White Mardigra” It’s not the weather patterns I grew up with. Radical change in just 24 years of being on the fire line. Scary but is now without a doubt predictable. It’s not going to get any better out there. No one is covering the landslides and other cr@p Washington and Oregon are getting from massive amounts of rainfall. I’m out 🔥


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I hated getting sent to Southern California. First of all. You have to except the fact you're going to get poison oak and will need a Cortisone shot right in a butt cheek with a big @ss needle. But. Californians treated us like Royalty. If we got 2 days of RR and could go to the closest town with a Bar and a good Diner, we were set. LOL ! We would occasionally go to a Bar and end up drinking for free. Lots of "We Love Firefighters "signs which were always a nice gesture and made getting a Cortisone shot worth it🔥


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