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Please verify Marble Company for these three groups - Vitro?

The Nickel Guy

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I have been rearranging my marbles by makers first then by types. I better do this before it's too late. I am getting a bit swamped in my incoming versus my organizing. LOL

First group, I am not sure of but I do see same colors. The small one just needs a group to be in and is trying to assimilate. The wiggly one is odd. I am thinking these are Vitro.


Second Group

I am more confident about these. All except that top right. That purple I see in that patch we will again in the third image below. The others almost have that Helmet look. There are two windows in the blue ones to look inside and the striped one is somewhat transparent and I can see red/orange striations inside.


The third group has a solid color patch and wispy white inside and out on the translucent base.

I am sure we all saw these before. I know they are probably common That purple is yelling Vitro to me, I figure the rest are too.

I just want to know if I'm barking up the right tree and if I have some that don't belong, please identify them for me so I can move them elsewhere. THANKS!


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  • The Nickel Guy changed the title to Please verify Marble Company for these three groups - Vitro?

Wow, I did pretty good, half a year ago I didn;t even know what a Vitro was. Great help there. I will take better images of the questionables and post again. Thanks.

I'll be doing an exercise on Akro patches vs Master Marble patches or whatever else is out there. That is a nightmare. I must learn the seams and colors but at least I have them pulled.

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3 minutes ago, Fire1981 said:

The Vitro at 5:00 first pic is a Vitro Aqua Marine!!!!!!🔥


Might be, but maybe not. IMO, it's the best Vitro in the bunch, regardless.

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9 hours ago, VaMarbles said:

let’s see a few more pictures of that marble in the first picture 5 o’clock


OK, I'll try to get some good images of those two ( I think we are actually talking about two i the first image. I will also post that far right in the second picture.

Thanks. and here they are.

I had to watch my Stephen Bahr movie again to study them and compare.


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15 hours ago, Fire1981 said:

The Vitro at 5:00 first pic is a Vitro Aqua Marine!!!!!!🔥

I don't think so now because that is more green than aquamarine.



9 hours ago, VaMarbles said:

At first glance I thought that marble could be a buttermilk but a long shot. 

according to Stephen Bahr, I need a red ribbon opposed to a blue ribbon for a Buttermilk.

I saw that color too awhile back and wondered if it was the color of buttermilk but thought it might be a little light.

Well with some hope and imagination, I can make out a blue patch with a thicker darker border that sort of joins the red ribbon and resembles a ribbon?


I have identified this one as a nice Type 3 Vitro Tiger Eye now.


18 hours ago, Tommy said:

2nd photo top right is pelt

I went to Joes Marbles and these colors are exact for several of his Peltier Rainbo examples.


19 hours ago, VaMarbles said:

1st Photo- Vitro except for the swirl farthest to the left

I am pretty sure this is a Peltier after looking at how some multi colored swirls are slapped together on Joes Marbles.


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