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Ok. We just got rid of one. I'm not going to pull punches on one that happened to me, Alan and Carolwill a while back. He posted a Foreign Sparkler and thought it was an Akro. As soon as he posted it. Cheese said "Your back? Can you behave?" Nope. We confirmed it wasn't an Akro. Get this. He emoji us with the Finger. I've never looked for that one. So! I'm really happy to see that Trolls only last one ID thread here.🔥


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I'm not. I have a chip in the back of my neck and both of my ear dumbs have been replaced. I donated my old worn-out eardrums to science. So! Maybe I am human after all. Who knew we'd also like glass bottles and ashtrays and on and on.🔥


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Making marbles was probably an 8:00 to 5:00 shift. NOT. They probably worked 10-12 hours shift. For what? Eat, Work and Sleep. Repeat. Big whoop dee do if they just shut down a run of Golden Rebels and it's done. On to Rebels tomorrow. Did Golden Rebels cost a penny or a nickel.🔥


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5 hours ago, bumblebee said:

I think about those guys who ran the machinery to produce millions of these marbles shaking their heads imagining us battling over names and identifications and miscellaneous petty disputes.

Well, we are human I suppose.

That is so true!  I’m pretty sure they took a liking to most of the marbles we revere, but would scratch their heads over some we cherish.

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This thread is not a good thing for the board imho.
Ancient history is just that--Ancient.
I will delete this thread if any further posts are made.
Let’s just move forward and by the way--"TheMarbleConnection" did not "get rid" of anyone lately.

There was one that decided to leave us.

I have PM them and welcomed them back with no reservations.


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