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Purple patch on Yellow


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This one came with a bunch of Vitro marbles, but I'm not too confident in calling it a Vitro. That Purple is something else.
There is also a lot of annealing fractures in the Yellow which I tried to show.

To be honest it's more that I'm not too confident in ID'ing a Vitro, any ideas?


Yellow with Purple Patch 19_32.jpg

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I have a group of those and showed them around to a variety of very knowledgeable collectors at a few different shows - the consensus was, MK Bumble Bee patch. I know . . . pretty crazy, right?

I'll look around and see if I can find a pic of mine and I'll post them here when I do.

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Here's a really old pic of mine - I should probably take a new one. When I put them in Chuck Brandstetter's hands he was convinced they were not Vitro and was on board with the consensus MK ID. I am still not entirely convinced but where else are you going to put them? The only other possibility I can imagine is that they are a foreign type I have never seen before.


No fractures on these.

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