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Mike Close Flower


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... with Leaf Stand.

This was my prize in the Great Race recently held at Glass Addiction. I am so pumped!

Mike very nicely said I could use his pix. I can't figure out which one or two to show, so here are all of them the way he arranged them!

A silver and gold fumed flower with a leaf stand. Marble is 1 1/2 diameter....



side view


Back view


Looking down on the stand....


Here's Mike's email, in case you'd like one of your very own! bqmold@earthlink.net

His handle on the boards is pacosaki, which some of you will already know.

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I started to salivate just a bit when I saw the ripcurl ... and others I'm not even going to start naming ...

but when I saw the flower sitting in the stem, I knew that's the one I wanted to be able to show my friends. You know, the sweet friends who say, "oh, that's nice", and you aren't sure if they're seeing something in the marble, or if they're humoring you (the dear ones have to humor me a lot ;-).

If all else fails, when they look at that one, they'll be thinking these marble makers are pretty clever people. The way I do!

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The ripcurl just drew me in. I'm no surfer but it's really cool. Just like the big wave. I can't wait to see it in person. I hope Gateson let's me use his pics so everyone can see. You are right about yours. All the prizes were awesome. I had narrowed it down to about 5 for my choice but would have been happy with any of them.


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I wondered how that Ripcurl lasted so long on the list!! Nice choice, Carole!!! :D

I expect my bag will be the last one taken and I'm psyched, cuz that would be Kevin!! It'd be a thrill to make a bag for Kevin!!!

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Sue, I haven't ever seen your bags I don't think. Do you have a pic of one of yours? I would like to see one. I bet Kevin would be thrilled to have one. I was amazed too that the Ripcurl was still available but I'm sure glad it was.


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I've only made the mini bags for Bo and Mig... But, I'm psyched to take an idea and "run with it..." I've been doing a lot of sewing and hand work since I was a kid... So, I guess this is kinda like Chris Juedemann doing the "Kid's Marbles".... I'll either take an idea for a bag and try it, or take pictures of a marble and try to make an appropriate bag for it... Maybe mimicking the design from the marble onto the bag?? We'll have to wait and see who chooses it and what they have in mind!!

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I'll try but I stayed confused the whole time, lol. We had 12 marble makers donate marbles. We started with 6 cars with 6 riders per car. I think we did three laps. The top 2 cars from that race were divided into six cars and the 12 winners got prizes awarded in the order they finished. Top two in the winning car got first choices and so on. Steph can explain it alot better than I.


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I believe that Steve's wife rolled a die starting with car 1 and moving down the line. The track has marked spaces. The first car across the finish line won. Steve took the race pics. Other questions? And if I'm off track, so to speak, someone please correct me.


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That Star Gazer is awesome. I had it in my top three to choose. Tough choice. Difficult but nice to have a tough choice. What's really cool is it seems the ones that individuals really wanted were still available for them. As Steph says, it has to be good "carma"


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