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    behind the moon in NY state
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    Love of family- bluegrass music- marble friends-cooking-gentle breezes-warm rains-LIFE!

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  1. Oooooh!! Pardon my potty mouthed un-lady like verbage, but them are some Hot damn & Holy shit-tola awesome cats!!!! I want some - I need some - I crave some!!
  2. Hello Maggie! catsrock2 from the old boards. I will purchase your hybrid Vitro catseyes if you want to sell them. Thanks and it's good to see you again!
  3. Ann- a member of this forum had them up on Ebay a week or so ago. I can probably pull up his auction pics. As you have probably noticed on several occasions, my pictures royally bite (and his were super good)! We needed/wanted them for a marble display at our small local marble club. After receiving and seeing them, I think I want to keep the bags in my collection - unopened and intact. The other members wanted to chip in, open them up, and divide. The audacity!!
  4. Rest well marble friend. Too soon gone. My heartfelt sympathies and prayers go out to his family and friends.
  5. Oooh oooh by the way, I just snagged two bags of pink base glass Vitro Anacortes horseshoe cats!! They are very hard to find - if not rare. I have a few single pink glass specimens but had never found a factory filled bag of them before. ( I should have had the third bag that he listed too but I stupidlly had set my max bid too low ).
  6. Yee Haw Chuck - you said it perfectly! The prices on some of the hybrids are right up there. An uncommon cat eye is not that easy to find these days. Even at shows the prices are sometimes surprising. Cat's eyes rock!!
  7. I collect cat eyes and have for over 3 1/2 decades. About 37 years actually. I don't collect the commons and don't know any other collector that does either. If I had kept every cat eye I have come across, I would have 3 or 4 million of 'em by now!
  8. Hi JerryG! Pleased to meet you!!
  9. Marbles and paperweights are closely related right? I have always thought so but I could be wrong. Awesome pictures and info. Thank-you!
  10. Hey Doug - how many old lures for that first marble? And there'll be no more problems with packages coming from the Rochester, NY sorting center!!
  11. I just contacted that seller about pulling an auction early as the marble had multiple bids. He responded politely that he thought he had made a mistake on who made the marble. He did put the auction back up exactly as it was listed the first time, but that soured me on his auctions.
  12. I looked at that machine so hard and for so long that I almost had a seizure! I am clueless Steph but I shall do some investigating.
  13. I love you Sissydear - you old broad like me! I have been following your posts for years - on many boards and many forums. Thank-you very much for the marble help you have given me through the years! It is very much appreciated.
  14. Hello fellow marble fiends! A marble friend of mine has a large decorated china marble but is having some trouble with a description of it. I am not any help as I know nothing about china marbles. Can you go have a look at her auction and possibly make any suggestions here on this thread? She also has placed a reserve on it but thinks it may be too high. What would a reasonable reserve price be for such a marble? TIA http://www.ebay.com/itm/Large-Glazed-China-marble-RARE-Orange-and-green-flowered-1-9-16th-/272060826604?hash=item3f5816c3ec:g:qH4AAOSwwE5WW5Px
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