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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. I have an Akro Agate tin box with a knee pad where the marble bag is in my other boxes, When I bought it, I was told it was original to the box, There were marbles in the box when I bought it, but I replaced the broken and chipped ones. I remember it had red spirals in it that were is such bad condition, split in half, fractured, chunks missing that I had to replace that row. I used to have a pic of it but can't find it now. I'll have to do a pic again
  2. The rumor that someone knows who made them, was put in my ear within the year the marbles had surfaced. Ditto that comment for me.
  3. I suppose this one is a striped transparent.
  4. Don't think I have any exotics, but I do have a few CAC's.
  5. I too do not believe they are CAC. Someone I knew that passed away knew something that he shared only part of with me. I can't share a piece of that information because I can't prove it. I did share it once and got soundly trounced on. Wish I knew the whole story. I do know that marblealan backed away from them.
  6. On the last row, there are antiblackies. The top 2 are green with a red equator. the next 3 are red with a clearly applied white glass band at the equator. That white glass is the same expensive white glass found on "wedding cakes" and "fancy tigereyes", I have more collected since that photo. Will take a pic when I have time. That last one is a hybrid blackie. The other end has a blue eye with a green "V" layered on it I choose to put the white base with a black equator with blackies instead of whities because old company advertising shows them with blackies. I am aware that bags have been found with them also in with whities.
  7. Akro or Master, hard to know. Master bought old stock and boxes were included when they bought out Akro. Sometimes Akro and Master are mixed in the same box.
  8. Marble King "puries". MK called clearies "puries"
  9. JABO clearies - All of the JABO are new.
  10. Mixture of JABO and Vitro Clearies Right hand side beginning with the yellowish large ones are Vitro and they are old.
  11. I "friended" you and sent you an invite to Good Old Marbles
  12. Tell me your Facebook Name and i'll add you.
  13. Generally clearies are not collectable. I have kept a few for sentimental reasons. A dear friend died and willed me all of hi9s marbles. I kept some.
  14. In the first post, your "chromed" one is actually "iridized". They sprayed mineral salts on it while hot before the glass cooled. Steph is right about new. The second marble is not a clearie.
  15. For seeing old friends and wonderful marble artists that I collect. yes!!!!
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